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TW :: Mentions of rape, murder, threats, lots of language, attempted murder, blood and violence

Katsuki grunted, teeth gritting as he hit the floor. He was yanked back to his feet and promptly shoved into a chair.

"Fuck off!" He spat, kicking out at the two men binding him to the chair. "Fucking let me go! Don't any of you fucking dare go near Izuku! I'll kill you all!"

A fist curled in his hair and yanked back, snapping his head up. He sneered, glaring at the man holding him. "You are in no position to tell us what to do or threaten us," he muttered lowly, grin steadily creeping up on his face. "We'll do as we damn-well please-"

"Get out."

All eyes turned to the doorway where Shindo stood, arms folded and face stoic. He watched as the one let Katsuki go, both grumbling as they left the room. Before he passed, Shindo grabbed the arm of the man who had just grabbed Katsuki. "I swear to God, if you step foot in the room with Izuku, I'll rip off your shriveled dick and throw you in the Runner Cage..."

The man scowled deeply, but nodded, shrugging the shorter off and stalking down the hall.

Shindo hummed and closed the door behind himself. "Ahh, alone at last... Does your face ever change, or is it permanent?"

Katsuki didn't let up his glare, knuckles white in his grip on the arms of the chair. His scowl only deepened with the remark.

The ravenette shrugged and approached him, sitting in the chair across from him. "Were you a part of that group in Pennsylvania? The one by the University?" Katsuki stayed silent, but he had twitched, jaw clenching tighter.

Shindo hummed and nodded. "I don't remember seeing you when we ran into them... I do remember that one guy, though... Fuck, what was his name..?" He looked up, rubbing his hands together in thought. "Oh, damn. You'd know it. Let's see... Curly hair, big eyes, kinda buff... He had these funky freckles and a scar on his jaw."

Katsuki's eyes widened and his breath hitched. He sneered and jerked in the chair, struggling against the paracord and duct tape. "You son of a bitch! That was you!? You killed Hobe!?"

The ravenette laughed, rocking back in the chair. "God, he was such a peacemaker. He handed over the food y'all had just gathered, smiled, he set down his gun and had the others do the same. Too damn trusting. He should have seen the shot coming."

Katsuki yanked, heart racing in his chest and stomach churning. His nostrils flared, face red in rage. "I'll rip out your fucking throat, you sick bastard! He surrendered our supplies and you still killed him!? You sick fuck!" He spat, tape and cord digging painfully into his skin.

Shindo chuckled, folding his arms. "He's the idiot for trusting me. What kind of name is Hobe anyway?"

"It's his fucking nickname, bitch!"

"So how'd you end up traveling with Izuku? Did he become part of your group? I wouldn't think so, given the history between you two."

Katsuki was fuming, absolutely shaking with rage. Tears stung his eyes. If he wasn't bound, Shindo would be dead already. "I got separated from my group... Ran into him..."

"Together out of necessity and not by choice. That makes more sense. Still, that just raises another question- why are you traveling south with him instead of back up north? Why not return to your group?"

"Is this a fucking interrogation? None of your Goddamn business!"

Shindo sighed, leaning back in his chair and slouching. "If I knew you were in that group, I would have loved to go back with them and killed you then. I wouldn't be having to deal with you now. Your existence is just so unnecessary."

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