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TW :: Mentions of sexual assault/rape

Katsuki hummed and shifted as he woke, groaning as the sun hit his eyes.

"Good morning, sunshine," Izuku mused, walking into the living area and stopping by Katsuki. He recieved a tired glare in response. "Breakfast is ready."

"Breakfast?" Katsuki echoed, voice raspy. He sat up, taking the offered plate. Izuku must have stole those from the cupboard. "Where'd you get this..? Eggs?"

Izuku sat on the chair across the coffee table from Katsuki and ate. "I went out and scavenged the houses around us. Got some water, some canned foods, and I found some wild chickens and their nests. I only grabbed four eggs, two for the both of us, made a fire out back and cooked 'em. If we carry any eggs with us, they'll just go bad."

Katsuki hummed and nodded, taking a bite. He then sighed, slouching back. He doesn't remember the last time he ate anything so fresh. Izuku chuckled at him, but didn't say anything. If he did, Katsuki likely would've snapped back with something meaner.


"Why didn't you wake me to help you look for water?"

Izuku paused as he pulled on his boots, looking up at the blond. "Uhm... Because I woke while it was still dark, and you're still healing."

"You saying I would've slowed you down?" Katsuki crossed his arms, scowling at Izuku.

The greenette breathed deeply, leaning back. "Oh my God, seriously? No, I was just letting you rest more. I don't think you're weak or anything." He stood and shouldered his bag. "Now, do you want to argue about it, or get on the road?"

Katsuki frowned and grabbed the duffle with more aggression than the action required.

Izuku nodded and turned towards the door.


Katsuki kept his eyes on Izuku as they walked down the street. His limp was gone, so he was keeping a better pace, but the bruise still ached and Izuku still kept slow. He watched each flinch at any noise, saw the way he studied the area around them and how he stepped lighter than air.

He's so similar yet so different from what Katsuki remembers.

Izuku is a survivor and Katsuki knows there's more to him than what the greenette has expressed to him. He probably won't ever express it. Katsuki's a dick. He was back in high school and still is now. Besides, they'd probably never see each other once Katsuki finds a place for his group and Izuku continues to the CDC.

Katsuki doesn't need to know what happened since they last saw each other. He doesn't.


They're moving through this city a lot faster than the previous. Katsuki recognizes everything, but doesn't at the same time. He remembers being dragged to that club, he remembers picking up the 'Bakusquad' from that bar. He remembers how great that bakery's pastries were.

God, back when he could use a damn car, he'd have been here in less than two hours. It's taken them about three days to get here.

"We aren't moving very fast," he muttered once he realized the previous two hour commute.

Izuku sighed, gesturing to the dark, crumbling buildings around them.

Right. Not supposed to make any noise.


As the sun began to set, Katsuki realized just how fast they were losing light. They had yet to find a place to hunker down for the night.

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