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Their names and pictures were all registered and uploaded into their system as each person boarded the large ship. Katsuki trailed behind Izuku, holding his hand tight. The greenette smiled back at him on occasion, gaze soft.

"Here," Izuku halted, flipping the keycard in his hand and halting in front of the door. Oh, boy, the faces they got when they said they'll share a room. "This is our room." He grinned at Katsuki and inserted the card, the door clicking with a little green light flashing above the doorhandle. Izuku pushed open the door, adjusting his knapsack as he pulled Katsuki inside.

The door clicked shut behind them, Katsuki letting his own knapsack drop at the foot on the bed. Izuku stood to the side of the bed, toeing off his boots and pulling out a water bottle. Katsuki approached the window and pulled aside the curtain, swallowing hard.

Gray skies, gray buildings, bodies swarming the dock below, guarded by soldiers armed to the teeth. Live bodies. Uninfected. So many people. He paused and waved to Izuku. "Hey..."

The green haired man turned towards Katsuki, tilting his head before making his way over. He peered through the window, trying to follow the direction Katsuki pointed in. He gasped and grinned, grabbing Katsuki's arm excitedly. "Mirio and Tamaki! They made it! Oh, I wonder if that's their group they're with!" He laughed and nudged Katsuki. "We should find them and catch up later! Maybe over dinner or even breakfast tomorrow."

"Dinner and breakfast?" Katsuki raised a brow, watching after Izuku as he trodded back to the bed.

"Yeah. Did you not read the itinerary I gave you?" He flashed a smile over his shoulder as he pulled out a clean pair of clothes. "The ship is providing clothes, food, drink, there's activities we could do, there's therapy sessions we could attend, there are seminars on how the world has changed outside of the Americas..." He trailed off, picking up the pamphlet left on the bed. "We have a long week ahead of us, Katsuki..."

Humming softly, he approached Izuku from behind, placing his hands on his waist and kissing his shoulder. "Let's get changed. We promised to meet up with everyone once settled in our rooms."

Izuku nodded and grinned back at him. "Yeah. Then maybe eat some food we didn't nearly die for."

That got a good laugh out of Katsuki.


The first day or so of being seabound, Katsuki was practically glued to his bed, riddled with seasickness. He could hardly stomach the subtle rocking of the large ship, couldn't even keep down all of his breakfast - whicu he was pissed about. That was a damn good breakfast.

Izuku stayed with him, their friends checking in occationally. Though, by the next day, he had become accustomed to the rocking just enough he was able to move around and keep down his food.

"I just think it's so fucking funny," Denki started after the conversation over dinner died down. Katsuki groaned, dropping his head in his hands. "I find it so funny that Mr. Tough Guy, our head honcho himself, gets sick as a dog on a boat."

"I'll fucking throw you off the deck myself-"

"Kats, please," Izuku took Katsuki's hand with a smile.

Denki smirked, leaning back with a grin. He crossed his arms. "Seriously, seasickness is what takes you out, my man?"

There was a few scattered snickers across the table, even Izuku had to bite back a laugh.

Katsuki scowled, eyes narrowing at the other blond. "I'm going to ask if it's not too late to turn around-"

The speakers clicked overhead, soft music shutting off. Everyone in the dining room looked up, conversations all across the floor dying out.

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