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Katsuki was still attempting to wrap his mind around the rest of the world being safe from this apocalypse. That didn't seem possible after living in it for nearly three years. Having no contact, no hope. There was nothing suggesting a chance at a better, liveable life somewhere else.

The vaccine given to each of them tattooed their arms at the site of injection. Izuku was very careful with everyone when administering their vaccines. He really hit it off with the rest of the group. Everyone loved him, even grumpy old man Shouta Aizawa.

Eijirou was the only one aside from Izuku that didn't get a vaccine. Didn't need it.

Katsuki was last. Not for any particular reason. Maybe just wanted to make sure everyone else was safe first before ensuring his own safety.

"Ready," Izuku mused, voice soft as he removed the alcohol wipe from Katsuki's arm.

Scoffing, Katsuki looked away. "I'm not a kid, ya' know. Just do it already."

Izuku smiled and shook his head. He took Katsuki's hand, letting him squeeze before carefully injecting his arm with the vaccine. Katsuki winced, hand twitching in Izuku's as the needle pierced. He's never been one for needles.

Once the fluid capsule was empty, the needle being retracted, the little device on the syringe clicked and snapped, tattooing a little green oval just above the site of injection. Izuku wiped once more before placing a bandaid.

"There. All done." Izuku dropped the syringe in the red box he dropped all the other used syringes in.

The blond rubbed at his arm, grunting as his hand was smacked. "Hey, it hurts."

"I know," Izuku pulled down Katsuki's sleeve, "so don't irritate it more."

With another roll of his eyes, Katsuki flopped back onto his bed, Izuku watching, amused. He stared at the ceiling, hand over his abdomen. "The rest of the world is really okay..?"

Izuku hummed and pursed his lips, shifting to lay on Katsuki's chest. "Well, not entirely. The entire world was of course severely affected by one half being practically wiped out..."

"I just mean they're alive. They have lives over there. Jobs, stability..."

The greenette brushed his fingers over Katsuki's cheek. "That's not the only thing you're thinking about, is it..?"

Katsuki swallowed, eyes still on the ceiling. He didn't want to admit it, but Izuku caught him. Is he that easy to read now? "Do you think my parents are still alive..?"

Izuku smiled, taking his hand once again. "I'm not sure... but it is entirely possible."

"I never thought I could see them again." Katsuki shifted and tilted his head to look to Izuku. "It doesn't seem real."

"It probably won't for a while, Kats. For almost three years, all we've known is this. We would have to readjust to normal living." The greenette twirled a lock of Katsuki's hair around his finger, then stroked his hair back out of his face. "I'm sure your parents would be more than willing to help you."

Katsuki leaned into his hand, watching Izuku. He frowned, noticing the shimmering in his eyes. "Izuku." He leaned up, propping himself on his elbow and cupping his cheek. "Izuku, are you thinking about them..?"

Smiling sadly, Izuku looked down. "I'm always thinking about them, Kats. I miss them so much..."

"I bet they're really fuckin' proud of you." He pushed himself up, flipping them over to lay on top of Izuku. "So fucking proud."

Izuku smiled, reaching up to wrap his arms around Katsuki's shoulders. "I know... they always were. They were weird like that."

"They were pretty weird, but I also had such great parent examples myself."

Laughing, Izuku's fingers curled into Katsuki's hair. "Your parents were good. Your mom was just tough," he mused, pulling him back down.

Katsuki chuckled, eyes closing as their lips met.

They pressed closer together, Katsuki's hands trailing up his shirt. Legs hooked over his hips, fingers tugging at his shirt.

Izuku hummed softly, giggling as a tongue swipped at his lip. "It is the middle of the day-"

"Leave me alone," Katsuki groaned, keeping his lips pressed firmly to Izuku's. "I haven't had you to myself since you got back, and it has been too fucking long. Now stick your tongue in my mouth, damnit."

Laughing, Izuku dropped his head back. "Katsuki!"

"Get back here, motherfucker!"

"No- Oh my God!" Izuku squirmed as he's pulled on. "Katsuki!"

"Hey, guys-"

The door swung open, both boys freezing on the bed.

Denki hung in the room, eyes big and jaw slack mid-word as he held the doorknob and the doorframe.

Katsuki shot back a glare. "Dunce face..."

The younger blond grinned and straightened up. "I'll just leave the gays. Let them be gays. Have fun, get back to it, I won't tell anyone you're about to fuck-" he slapped the doorframe and bolted down the hallway.

"Hey-" Katsuki shoved up and jumped off the bed, Izuku devolving into more laughter. "You piece of shit- get back here!"

"Katsuki, be nice!"


837 words

Lmfao, sorry it's so short, but I was kind of in a rush. I only had two paragraphs written, I'm sorry...

But we're near the end, Ya'll. Almost there.

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