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Katsuki did change his shirt. He found a button-up, just the right size. He rolled up the sleeves, left the top few buttons undone. Izuku isn't sure that's the right shirt to wear out in the apocalypse.

After waiting for two hours, the infected in the street cleared enough to make a run for the duffle bag and hurry down the street, away from the camp that kidnapped them the night before.

They walked in silence until the sun began to set and they cleared another house for the night.

Katsuki sighed as he slowly sank back into the sofa, staring up at the ceiling.

"Are you hungry?"

Izuku looked over to him. "Uhm... Yeah, actually."

"What are you craving?"

The greenette watched Katsuki side-eye him and huffed, sitting up straight. "Meat. I'm craving brains and guts, Katsuki." The blond looked away, scowl deepening. "I haven't eaten since this morning, Katsuki. Neither have you. Both of us are hungry." He kicked his boots to the side and grabbed the knapsack. "They took some of our food and I didn't have much time to grab more, so jerky, canned fruit, or canned green beans?"

Katsuki stared across the room, hands limp in his lap. "I'll have some jerky..."

Izuku tossed him the bag of jerky and grabbed himself the can of fruit.

"I'll search the neighborhood in the morning before we leave," Izuku muttered, prying the can open.

The blond just hummed in response, taking a bite of his first piece of jerky.

After his second, he set the bag down. "I'm doing it again..."

Izuku looked up to him, raising his brow. "Doing what?"

"I'm taking out my problems on you..." Katsuki leaned over, head in his hands. "Just like in high school... I believe you. I believe you're immune, and I'm not trying to upset you, I just... I can't stop thinking about all the other times I've seen someone bitten... I can't stop seeing them become infected or kill themselves... Be killed or... Be eaten... And I can't stop thinking that... If you weren't immune, I... I wasn't fast enough to save you just like I wasn't fast or strong enough to save all the others..." His voice was soft, vulnerable, as he spoke. He couldn't bring himself to look at Izuku, tears in his eyes and hands trembling.

The greenette frowned and set his can on the coffee table. He stood and made his way over to Katsuki, crouching in front of him. "Katsuki... Are you blaming yourself for something that was completely out of your control?"

He scoffed, but didn't answer. Izuku knew already.

Izuku licked his lips and carefully took Katsuki's hand. He was relieved to find there was no resistance. "I know how terrible this has been... I... I can't get some deaths off my mind, either... And being immune, I... I'm always trying to figure out why me... Me, of anyone... I was... I was so weak... And I couldn't do much of anything for myself at the beginning of this..." He started to tear up himself, but smiled as Katsuki gave his hand a light squeeze. "I saw so many people turn, too... And wondered why they weren't immune... But that's why I'm going to the CDC... To try and figure out if I can help with some kind of cure... To vaccinate people so they are immune as well..."

Katsuki pursed his lips, his free hand falling from his hair. "Yeah... Sorry, I'm back to being a shitty travel companion..."

Izuku chuckled and nudged him. As they both leaned closer, their foreheads pressed lightly together. Neither moved away, drawing comfort in the closeness. "It's okay... I was starting to miss the nasty attitude," he mused, eyes closing.

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