Sick and Violated

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TW :: mentions/depictions of rape, violence, death, suicidal thoughts/attempt

Izuku grinned and rushed forward as Shindo lowered the gun. "Oh my God, Shindo! You're okay! You're alive!" He halted just before reaching the ravenette, but his grin stayed vibrant.

Shindo appeared almost disbelieving, tucking his gun into the holster attached to his hip. "Izuku, you survived?"

"Yes, I-I suppose... Oh, gosh..." Tears gathered in his eyes, lip trembling. "I'm so happy you're okay... I thought you died or... Or were infected... I thought everyone..."

"Hey, hey!" Shindo quickly jumped forward and gathered the smaller man into his arms. "Its okay... I'm okay... I'm sure there's a lot more people out there that are okay..."

Izuku nodded, rubbing his eyes while clinging to Shindo. "I just can't believe it... You're really here," he whispered, burying his face deeper into Shindo's jacket. He'd always really liked his scent. Familiar and warm... And safe. Izuku really needed that right now.

"I need to be getting back to my group," Shindo muttered softly, pulling away from Izuku carefully, almost as if he didn't want to break the smaller man.

The greenette tilted his head. "You're apart of a group? How big?"

"Not- not too big, I guess... There's probably roughly twenty people. Are you alone, Izuku?"

He looked down and licked his lips. "Yeah... I'm alone..."

The ravenette breathed deeply, hands on his shoulders. "I'm sorry... Come to my group with me. I'm sure they'd love to have you." He ducked his head and tilted Izuku's chin up to look into his eyes.

"Oh, I... I need to go south..." Izuku gently started to push away.

Shindo frowned. "What's south..? Izuku, you can't travel by yourself out there. Do you even know how to fight or shoot a gun?"

He swallowed hard and glanced over his shoulder and out the glass doors. "Well... Maybe I could... Stay for a little while..."

The taller smiled and nodded. "I'll take you to my group."


As soon as he stepped foot through the makeshift gate, Izuku felt a cold pit in his stomach.

First off, there were a lot of big men. Eyes followed him, cold, dark, and calculating. He tried to shrink into himself as he followed Shindo, ducking his head and raising his jacket collar.

He rushed through the door opened for him, wanting to grab onto the man he still considers a boyfriend, now that he knows he's alive and well.

Maybe he shouldn't, considering it has been several months since they lost contact. His phone had shattered about three weeks in when he was running from a small herd.

Shindo could have moved on, assuming Izuku had died or been infected. He could have a new partner, now.

"Shindo? Who is this?"

Izuku jumped, snapping his head up at the deep, demanding voice. There wasn't anything in particular that was scary about this man' s voice or his appearance, but he made Izuku shudder. His tone was naturally soft, expression uncaring, but he exuded confidence and demanded respect and attention.

"Kai! This is Izuku. I knew him before."

Knew him? Izuku furrowed his brows as he looked up to Shindo.

A scowl darkened Kai's face, golden eyes honing in on the greenette. "Shindo... This boy is barely fodder for the sick. He's small, pale- can he even carry a gun?"

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