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"Did you know Heeseung and his friends late for their classes today?" Woojae asked, eating his food. Jisun stopped eating for a while trying to processing what Woojae just said.

Lee Heeseung late for his classes? He would never do that. Jisun then immediately shakes her head, acting like she didn't care at all.

"I skipped classes too since Heeseung wasn't there." Woojae said nonchalantly. Jisun chokes on her food, coughing uncontrollably. Woojae chuckles, handing her a mineral water.

"Why would you do that? Your grades might-"

"I don't care. Heeseung is my friend, he helped me a lot with my grades. I wouldn't mind though sacrifice my grades for him." Woojae shrugged, smiling.

"Anyway, did you talk to Heeseung? I mean like I never saw both of you talking anymore."

"Uh- we did. It's just that we're busy."

Do Woojae bite his inner cheeks. Jisun was lying to him saying that she talks to Heeseung and she even said not to worry anything about it. How can he not? Heeseung might think that he was the one who asked Jisun to stay away from Heeseung.

He then finally sit down at the floorㅡ feeling so tired when he kept on throwing the basketballs. None of them went inside the net when he threw it because he can't even focus at it.

It's been hours he waste his time at the hallㅡ practicing basketball but it's too hard to focus. Final is approaching along with his basketball tournament. How can he not notice things earlier?

How can he not notice that Heeseung loves Jisun way more earlier than himㅡ Woojae felt so dumb and guilty. If he give up on his relationship, he'll lose someone that he love.

Feeling so distracted and annoyed with himself, Woojae ran his fingers through his black hair. He need to come back to his sense and pretend that he didn't hear anything from Heeseung.

"God, I can't!" Woojae shouts, his voice echoed. He stand up, aiming the ball to the net again, wishing that the last ball will successfully went in. He made his wish and with that the ball successfully went inside.

He ain't happy for it anywayㅡ because of his wish.

"Yah- Do Woojae! What are you doing here with all of these balls?"

It was Heeseung, walking towards him, hands inside of his pockets. Hearing that voice made him even guilty, he can't face Heeseung. He slowly turned around, flashing Heeseung a small smile.

"Finished practicing basketball since the tournament is just few days away." he said, trying his best to not show his real emotions. Heeseung chuckles, tapping Woojae's shoulder.

"We have practical, Woojae. Did you skip or you didn't know there's a practical?" Heeseung teased. Rightㅡ his practical, he forgot about that. Woojae sighed, how can he forgot his practical.

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