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For the first ever time, Heeseung never felt so nervous when he finally received messages from Baek Jisun. It was early in the morning, where Heeseung finished doing his morning routine. He didn't have classes but his friends did.

A smile appears on his face as he read her messages again. Just by the text messages, it made his day. Besides, its Jisun's birthday.

Baek Jisun 🐻

Didn't saw u yest
Hope ur doing well :)

Heeseung didn't have any plans today as he only want to meet Jisun and buy her lots of good things on her birthday. He's looking foward to do that. He missed Jisun more than anything. It's driving him crazy.

“She cares.” Heeseung mumbles, replying her text messages, happily.


do you have classes today?
can we meet?

Baek Jisun 🐻

i have until 4pm.
but yeah sure, see u.


usual park :)

Seen, 11:49AM

With that Heeseung lay down on his bed, feeling so happy that Jisun finally wants to meet him. He hopes that it will going well along with his surprises. He decided to just confess his feelings towards Jisun. Doesn't matter if he got reject or not.

But surely, she'll reject. Did he think that Jisun will accept her and leave Do Woojae? That will never going to happen. As he said, he will just confess no matter how painful the answer is.

He can bear with it. As for now, he put that negative thought aside and think about what will he do to surprise the love of his life.

His one sided love.

He then received a call from unknown number again, guessing that it was his father. There's no one else except for him, who was trying to call Heeseung day and night using lots of numbers.

He immediately block the number and changed himself into nice outfits. Obviously, he felt bored being alone at their apartment. That's fine, they'll graduate from university soon.

As by soonㅡ is like one or two weeks lefts. Depends on what courses the student have. Heeseung, Jongseong and Jaeyun have a week left before graduating.

He stopped as he saw his father waiting for him. A sigh automatically left his mouth. What else did he want? Without causing any scene, Heeseung walked towards him. Director Lee Seongyeom hugged him.

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