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“Jongseong, I'll call you back,”

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“Jongseong, I'll call you back,”

Heeseung immediately hung up the call with Jongseong when his father show up at his room door frame. He didn't say anything as he's trying to fix his relationship with his father. That was what his stepmother wants. Heeseung will do it, it's just that he still feel there's no right time to talk to his father.

“Son, are you busy?” Heeseung shut his eyes, sighing. Right, this maybe the right time to fix their relationship.

“No,” that's it. A simple word came out from his mouth, without even looking at his father. His father then put his hand on Heeseung's shoulder, pulling him closer to him.

At that moment, Director Lee Seongyeom finally felt his family is complete. He have his wife and son near him. The thing is he wasn't ready for Heeseung to know the truth yet. He'll hate him more.

“Do you.. need any help?” he asked, finally looking at his father. Director Lee Seongyeom was actually surprised to heard that from his only son. Heeseung was playing with his own finger, feeling so nervous as he finally have a proper talk with his father.

“Yes actually, but I don't think I have to. You'll get mad,” his father said, gently caressing Heeseung's hair. No matter what happened, Heeseung will always be his little boy. No words could describe how much he loves his son.

Heeseung pressed his lips together, not knowing what to say but he insists to fix the situation between them. “You can tell me. I'm not going to be mad. Besides, mom wants me to talk to you.”

He was being honest, it's true that his stepmother who wants him to talk to his father after both of them misunderstood each others. Besides, Heeseung growing up with his father by his side, he was even barely meet his father back then. It was like only two or three times a week.

“I was going to ask you for the last time. Do you want to work with me? If not then I'll just find someone else to work at my chemistry lab.”

Heeseung admitted that he used to hate it everytime his father mentioned stuffs like that. He's glad that now he understands why his father asks that, it was because he wants to see Heeseung success in his life. Guiltiness was built in Heeseung's heart whenever he remembered he was being such a brat in front of his father.

“Sure. I'll work with you.” his father was really speechless to hear that. Heeseung smile towards his father, taking his father's hand.

“I'm sorry if I was a brat to you, dad. I never meant to, it's just that everytime I see you, it reminds me of what happened to my mother.”

Director Lee Seongyeom was taken by Heeseung's words. He became more clueless on how he's going to tell Heeseung about the truth. He can't, it'll just break Heeseung even more when he know that Kang Areum is not his real mother but Yoo Seobin. The one who he referred to his stepmother.

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