A proposal?

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(Louis's pov) 

I'm sitting on my bed when Zayn comes in and tells me he needs me to come into the living room for something important. I walk into the living and see Harry, Niall, Taylor, Lewis, and Nick. I look for a place to sit and Harry stands up. I sit down and pull him into my lap.  Everyone gushes. "oh shut up" Harry is blushing. He turns and falls forward a bit facing me. "oops" he says. "hi" we're really close. "hello dear sir louis" why did this all sound really familiar? At that moment the oh so forgotten memory resurfaces. 

We're at a party in wellington. I'm kinda drunk. I'm looking for harry. I'm sitting on the steps. He comes into my view "hey louuu" He said slurring his words a bit. "hey haz come sit with me" "there's no room" "you can just sit on my lap love" I'm too drunk to change my mind.  He sits on my lap and tries to turn and falls forward a bit facing me. "oopss" he says. "hi" we're really close. "hello dear sir louis" he replies next. "Ah Haz you're so cute when you're drunk" he giggles at that. I look around the room and then looking into each other's eyes and I feel my heart speed up. "Has Louis always looked this perfect? " He says questioning. I feel myself blush under the red light. "I would like to think so" He shakes his head and blinks. "did I say that out loud?" 

"yes you did haz" he rolls his eyes. He looks so beautiful I grab his chin so I can see his full face, he's looking at me, but i'm too infatuated and too drunk to care. "you're so beautiful" I hear myself saying. At that moment...... I realized that there's no place where I would rather be, this boy was everything I wanted and more. My heart was beating fast. I looked at him and his cheeks were red, eyes wide, and his lips..... they look so pretty and they're a soft shade of red. They look so soft, and very kissable. My eyes roam his face until I reach his eyes. My eyes widen at the realization that I have been caught staring.

Suddenly, its like the world stops, everything around me slows, the music fades into the background, and I get this warm feeling in my chest. They say they're are some moments in life you will always remember, well this is definitely one of those moments. I don't what's next, but I know that It'll be with him.  I don't know who initiated it, but one moment we were looking into each others eyes and the next...... His lips were on mine and that was a feeling I could never get enough of. 

My eyes widen at the memory. I think Harry also just had that sense of deja vu because he looks at me in shock. "so...... we kissed..... at that party in wellington" Niall overhears. "YOU DID WHAT AT THAT PARTY IN WELLINGTON A COUPLE OF YEARS AGO" everyone looks at us. "well it was before El and Kendall" "No I know that, but you mean to tell me you oblivious fuckers could've been dating for 2 YEARS now if one of you fuckers had the balls to ask the other out???" "what are you talking about?" They all ask. Niall explains. After he's finished everyone is yelling at Harry and I. "look we're sorry okay, but we were drunk and forgot" Everyone settles down and I look at Harry. 

"Well, to think that our first kiss was with ziam watching, when we actually have experienced the lip locking beforehand. Funny" "So you were my-" "your what?" "I've spent the last 2 years thinking that some random guy named Will was my first kiss when my first kiss is the same guy who's been sleeping in my bed and keeping me grounded since i was 18. What he said made me still in my seat. I didn't even think of that. He also said I keep him grounded. "Wait haz that means you're also MY first kiss, not Eleanor" He smiles at that. I pull him closer to me. "See even before we remembered, I chose you. Its been you from the start" "well i'm glad i'm your first choice, but you....." I get worried. "you're mine" I smile at that. "For as long as you'll have me" 

"Well thank you larry that was cute, but now can we get on with the meeting?" "sorry sorry go ahead" "I'm gonna propose to Liam" We all gasp. "pretend to be shocked why don't you?" "I'm sorry, we're happy for you just that's not what we were expecting" "yeah" I agree with niall "and I need you guys help to do it" "when are you doing it?" "in a couple of hours" "A COUPLE OF HOURS?" "yes" "when where and how?" "today, on a bridge with fairy lights, by proposing" "okay so what do you need help with?" "I have everything planned out listen. Harry, I will need you to go distract Liam for a couple of hours while everyone else helps me set it up" "why me?" Harry asks. "well because you're easily distracting and also you NEED to talk to liam about" He gestures at me. "What about me?" I ask. "nothing" Harry replies way too quickly for it to be true. "Okay love, if you say so" He gets up off my lap and I pull him back. "where are you going? stay" "I have to go distract liam so you guys can go set up the proposal" "right" (timeskip)

(Zayn's pov) 

I'm nervous, I'm about to ask the man who I've been dating for the past 5 years, the man I love, to marry me. I have a feeling everything will be fine, but at the same time I'm scared. I  see the car door open and he steps out. This is it. Its now or never. He walks up to me just as the sun goes down. Here goes nothing. "Liam" "yes" "from the night that we first met at Nick's party, I always thought you were this pretty, brave, super sweet, and amazing guy, and I have never been happier to be right. You came inside my life and turned it upside down. Before you I never thought it was possible for me to fall in love, hell I never even WANTED to fall in love, but you. You're different, you opened up my heart and filled it with joy, you made me feel all these wonderful things, you never judged me and stayed by my side everyday, proving how amazing you are. I was at a coffee shop and I overheard these people talking about the one, they said you would just know, your heart would tell you that hello this is it, this is your person, the person you want forever and then some with. Last week, I woke up in your arms and tried to leave. Instead of letting go you pulled me closer and said "noo stay i'm not done yet transferring all my love to you" with a big smile on your face and that's when I knew it was you.

"I want a forever and then some with you, so basically what I'm saying" I get down on one knee. "is would you make me the happiest man on earth and be my husband?" I open the box. He's crying at this point. He nods. "yes?" I ask. "yes" he replies still crying. I slip the ring onto his finger and I pull him into a hug. "HE SAID YES" I yell and everyone comes out from behind the trees. They all have tears in their eyes, some even crying. They all start congratulating us when liam Interrupts. "MAY I HAVE EVERYONE'S ATTENTION, ESPECIALLY MY NEW FIANCE'S" he says loudly. "You proposed to me, probably wondering if I would say yes or not, truth is..... He pulls out a box from his pocket and I feel my eyes water. He gets on one knee. "I was planning on asking you too, so Zayn Javadd Malik, will YOU make ME the happiest man ever and marry me?" "of course I will" I cry out. 

(Louis's pov)

I'm so happy for Zayn and Liam honestly. They're my best mates. Its funny how they both asked me to be their best mans. I said yes to Zayn and Liam apparently asked Harry. It all works out. A old lady walks by and exams the scene. "you two just got engaged?" I brace myself for the slurs she might throw out. "yeah we did" Ziam says. She looks at all of us and then says. "you all want to be married with kids?" "yeah" Zayn, Liam, Harry, and I quickly agree. I start thinking of a future where I wake up alone in bed and I can hear the kids downstairs trying to sweet talk their papa into having cookies for breakfast, and he compromises to a cookie each after they eat, and then closing my eyes and pretending to be sleep because I hear footsteps coming towards our room. Receiving kisses and breakfast in bed even though Harry knows I'm awake. HARRY! I was picturing being married to HARRY with kids, not Eleanor. I drift back into the real world and hear "Even as young as you are?" "yeah" Harry and I say at the same time looking at each other. Hopefully I was in his future just as much as he was in mine.

(Harry's pov)

I'm so happy for Liam and Zayn honestly. They're my best mates. Liam asked me to be his best man and Zayn asked Lou to be his. It all works out. A old lady walks by and I see her examining the scene. "you two just got engaged?" I slowly brace myself for the slurs that I hope I don't hear, but she possibly might throw out. "yeah we did" Ziam says. She looks at all of us and then says. "you all want to be married with kids?" "yeah" Louis, Liam, Zayn, and I all quickly agree. 

I start thinking of a future where I wake up early before my husband and get the kids ready for school while they try and get me to give them sweets for breakfast. Knowing me, I probably do, but after they eat, and while they eat, I'd make my husband some breakfast in bed because I know he likes it. Then I'd set it down on his lap and kiss him till he wakes up, even though I already know Louis is up since I can tell by his breathing. I stop and replay what I just said. 'even though I already know Louis is up since I can tell by his breathing' I said Louis. I was picturing a future with Louis. Its not just a little crush anymore. Its real. I see myself with him long-term, and honestly..... I'm fine with that.

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