To be loved and to be inlove

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(Louis's pov)

I climb out of Harry's bed and make my way towards the hallway, I forgot I spent the night with him last night. I head inside my room and I see Eleanor is asleep, but her phone is on. I've never been the type of boyfriend who is insecure and distrusting. I've never snooped in someone else's phone, but my gut feeling is telling me that there's something waiting for me there. I grab her phone and of course there's a password, but its an Iphone so I can use her finger print. I slowly bring the phone to her hand and it unlocks. The first place I check is her messages. I search up I love you and the first message that pops up is a message from 2 hours ago. It says "okay babe I'm going to sleep now, I love you. goodnight" I click the message and a whole conversation comes up. I scroll up and as I'm reading the more shocked I get. She's been cheating on me this whole time, and here I was feeling guilty about wanting to break up with her.

That been said I close the messaging app and open instagram because I know how she loves to post things. There's no way she hasn't posted him somewhere on something. I click on her account and see all the usual. Her clothes, 2 pictures of me, and the dogs. I start to close the app when I get a notification. 'noteleanorcalder: you have 127 new likes' I click on it and it takes me to a whole different account and wow. I was right. He is literally all over her feed and I'm not even surprised. I exit out of it and place her phone back where I found it. Instead of being angry, I'm actually just relieved because now I won't have the guilt of breaking her heart because clearly it belongs to someone else. 

I grab all out my things and move them into Harry's room. As I'm grabbing my game console, Eleanor wakes up and I have to do this once and for all. "hey bab-" "El we need to talk" "about what?" I intake a deep breath and start. "I'm breaking up with you. When ziam got engaged I started thinking about my future and it wasn't you who I saw in it, and I have to be honest with you and myself. I don't love you, and I don't think I ever did. I maybe thought I did, but who am I kidding? My heart has belonged to the same person since I was 18." "please don't do this I love you so much" she whines out. "and who are you fooling? we both know you're cheating on me?" I reply calmly. "I would never I love you" "okay so who is max?" she stills knowing she's caught. "it was a mistake, I'm sorry. We can still make this work." "As Rihanna once said.... Don't tell me you're sorry cause you're not and I know you're only sorry you got caught" and then I just walk out.

I go downstairs into the kitchen and make myself a snack. Zayn, Niall, and Harry are all in there talking. They all stop and look at me. "What. Can't a single come down here and get himself something to eat without everyone staring at him?" It takes them a second to understand, but when they do they all cheer. "Louis you're finally single?" "yes, finally. She was cheating on me, but Its." "well atleast that means you can finally date you know who." Zayn says "who?" Harry asks. "An owl" Niall replies not missing a beat. I still, wondering if Harry catches on. If he does, he doesn't say anything. "yeah I can, definitely gonna work on that, oh and Harry, I finally moved all my clothes into OUR room." "our room?" Zayn asks. "yeah we spend all our time together and I like cuddling with him lol" "yeah and he keeps me grounded" Harry replies. 

"well aren't you such a married couple?" Zayn says. "says the one who just got engaged" Harry and I reply at the same time. "Jinx" "jinx again" me and Harry say at the same time. We stop and smile at eachother. I get so lost in his eyes that I don't even notice Liam come into the room. "well lovebirds could you star gaze in each others eyes somewhere else?" Liam asks. I shake my head. "huh" "you and Harry, both of you were so lost in each others eyes that you didn't even notice me enter. Its kinda cute though, you two would make a pretty hot couple. just saying" I look over and see Harry has a blush to match mine. I grab his hand and pull him up the stairs into our shared room. I close the door and immediately pin him against it. "you wanna know the best part of being single?" "hmm" "I get to do this much more" and then I kiss him. He immediately kisses me back and It turns into a heated make out session, somehow we ended up on the bed. I'm in the process of taking off his shirt when the door opens.

Its Niall. "Hey guys I just wanted to let- OH I'M SO SORRY, I'LL LEAVE, ALSO GET IT LOUISSSSS" he closes the door behind him. "well the mood is sufficiently ruined now" I say and we both just laugh at that. "well I guess we got to put on our clothes and head downstairs now" Harry says. "unfortunately yes" We put back on our clothes and head down stairs. Everyone is looking at us with the 'oh we so know what happened' look and I catch Niall's eyes flickering between Harry and I as a small grin breaks out on his face. I squeeze Harry's hand and lead him towards the kitchen. "he told them" "oh he definitely told them, did you see the way they were all looking at us" Harry responds. "god, I really don't want to explain my sex life and whom I'm involved with, with them" "me either" They all file into the kitchen and no one says anything at all.

"Okay so are we gonna address the Elephant in the room or???" Nick asks. "There is no Elephant" Harry and I say at the same time. We look into each others eyes and I cannot be any more in love with this boy and wow. "this is the elephant in the room" Zayn says pointing it out. "We don't have to explain anything if we don't want to, just know that we are happy so it doesn't matter" "we would never judge you guys you know, actually quite the opposite, we've wanted you two together for so long now" Niall says. "well glad to know we have your support bye" Harry says then he grabs my hand and pulls me into our room. "They're annoying, you wanna help me write a song?" He asks me. I agree. we sit down at the table and start.

"let's start it with something like "I got a heart" I say. "I was thinking I got a soul" "lets do both" "ooo and let's say how we use both" "yeah that's good" 

I got a heart, and I got a soul
Believe me, I will use them both

We made a start
Be it a false one, I know
Baby, I don't want to feel alone
So kiss me where I lay down
My hands pressed to your cheeks
A long way from the playground

I have loved you since we were 18
Long before we both thought the same thing
To be loved and to be in love
All I can do is say that these arms
Are made for holding you, oh-oh
I wanna love like you made me feel
When we were 18

We took a chance
God knows we tried
Yet all along, I knew we'd be fine
So pour me a drink, oh love
And let's split the night wide open
And we'll see everything we can
Living love in slow motion, motion, motion

So kiss me where I lay down
My hands pressed to your cheeks
A long way from the playground

I have loved you since we were 18

Long before we both thought the same thing
To be loved and to be in love
And all I can do is say that these arms
Are made for holding you, oh-oh-oh
And I wanna love like you made me feel
When we were 18

When we were 18
Oh, Lord, when we were 18

Kiss me where I lay down
My hands pressed to your cheeks
A long way from the playground
I have loved you since we were 18

Long before we both thought the same thing
To be loved and to be in love

And all I can do is say that these arms
Are made for holding you
And I wanna love like you made me feel
When we were 18
I wanna love like you made me feel
When we were 18
I wanna love like you made me feel
When we were 18

We finish writing the song and honestly.... I love it. "I love this Lou, you're naturally so good at this" "well its easy when the person you're singing about is right next to you" I blush at that. I can relate. I've written songs about you" "really?" "yeah one called 'little things' and one called 'just a little bit of your heart' He says. He just admitted to writing a love song about me and a song about wanting me. I hope this means what I want it to mean. I've had feelings for this boy since I was 18 and I honestly I just want him to feel the same.

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