i'm sorry

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(Tony's pov)

He still hasn't came back. I'm losing my mind. I miss him. I miss his touch. Im TRYING not to have a breakdown. I need him next to me. I'm talking to Li freaking out. Him and Zayn are trying to calm me down. I'm freaking out. The whole house sits me down and asks why I'm freaking out so much. "Hey lou can you sit down, we all wanna talk to you" "ok. Whats up?" "Louis why are you so upset about Harry being gone?" "Because he's my best friend and boyfriend" "Louis. We're all worried about him, but you. You're about to fucking break down." "Yeah okay because Harry is a very important person to me" i say in response to Thomas. "He's just your fake boyfriend soo" Eleanor says. 

Everyone looks at Eleanor with a shocked face. "Y'all didn't know that i been found out that Louis and Harry were fake dating and that the reason i haven't said anything is because-" ELEANOR. "Sorry" she says. "Because what?" Everyone asks curiously. "None of ur damn concerns. I start shaking and i start thinking about all the bad things that could've happened to Harry and I start crying. "Louis he will be fine. I promise." Taylor said trying to calm me down. "Taylor you can't make that promise." "Listen Taylor i really love Harry and i'm scared. Usually i'm there to protect him and make sure no one hurts him, but right now i can't. I feel so powerless and upset." 

"Aww Louis loves Harry" "Oh my fucking God." I start going off. "Why does everyone mock me when i say that? I have a right to love whomever i want and shouldn't get judged over it. Jesus Christ. Yes I LOVE Harry. He is my fucking boyfriend for God's sake." "Fake boyfriend" Liam cuts in. "Oh same thing. Shut up Liam" "Louis has a crush on Harry." Zayn laughs. "No i don't." I said defensively. "Chill i was just joking with you." "Ok." I go back to Harry's room to wait. I'm wearing one of Louis's hoodie because i feel safe in it. I hate this feeling. It just feels like something is missing. Harry is missing. I'm missing his touch. His laugh. His hugs. I go in his room and lock the door. I go on my phone and i text Harry a really meaningful message. Cry some more then fall asleep in his bed with his teddybears. Here's what the message said.

Haz. Please come home everyone is worried about you. I love you so much and i'm very worried about you. Love please say something. Anything. Baby i'm scared. I don't want anything to happen to you. You mean so much to me and i hope you're okay. I miss you so much. Like I'm wearing your hoodie rn because i feel safe in it. I hate this feeling. It just feels like something is missing. You're missing hazza. I'm missing your touch. your laugh. your hugs. The way you scrunch your nose when you really like something and are trying to hide your smile. The way you always pick up that light golden-ish teddybear when you get sad. 9/10 You took it with you cuz its not here now. Baby please come home. I want you to cuddle yourself in my lap and nuzzle your head into my neck then you fall asleep in my arms. I want to caress your face and play with your hair while you sleep. I want to kiss your forehead and tell you i love you then fall asleep. Basically everyone just wants you to come home. Im sorry. Please come back home. We miss you.

(Harry's pov)

I wake up and see my phone blowing up. Then i remember what happened earlier today. I look at my messages and see that everyone was worried about me. I'm avoiding opening Louis's messages. because I know when I open them its gonna be "me and Eleanor worked everything out we don't have to fake date anymore." And boom. No more hanging out together. I get up and drive back to the house. Everyone is so happy to see me. They all hug me and tell me how much they missed me and how worried they were about me. 

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