i like how you think.

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(Louis's pov)
Its Saturday morning and today its supposed to be a party at 8. I gotta be careful cuz i don't want to fuck up infront of Harry tonight. Me and Harry have been still pretending to date to make Eleanor jealous. I feel bad knowing that he thinks i like Elk and that he doesn't know that i'm just using  her to get closer to him.  He's straight but it doesn't mean i won't try. Last night i spent the night in Harry's room


"Baby come back." Harry says quietly. I stop. I keep heading towards the door. "Baby i know you heard me. Come hereeee" he whines. Who? "You" he says. You know its Louis right?" "Yes and i know what i said" "so what do you want?" I asked Harry. "I want you" I feel myself blushing at the memory. "And I want you to get your ass over here. Take off your hoodie. And come cuddle with me"

(Flashback over)

"i want you." those words keep going through my mind.... He just probably was stuttering a bit. He was tired... I shake it off and head downstairs. I start to get out stuff so i can make me some breakfast. Niall comes in "Are you cooking for everyone?" "Nope just for me" "Damn okay i'll go order some Nandos" he leaves back out. Harry comes in a few minutes later. "Hey Harold." "Hey Lewis do you plan on sharing?" "Only with you." I boop his nose with flour as I get a text. Its from Eleanor. 'Hey Louis. I'm coming to the kitchen in about 20 to 25 mins. You want me to act jealous for you?' 'Yes please.' I reply. 'I'll set it up. Oki bye.' "Who was that?" Harry asked curiously. "It was Elk." 

His face turned into a frown. "She said that the food smells good and that she'll be down in maybe half an hour. "Oh. So you're cooking breakfast for everyone?" No. Just me. I say "Damn what about me Louis" Harry says. "I have a plan. To make Eleanor  jealous." I say smartly. "Ok what is it." Harry asks. "So i cook the food and i sit down and you sit on my lap and we share my food. Maybe we can feed eachother like those cute lovey dovey couples." I tell Harry. "Okay" he responds not fazed. Well okay. He'll be in my lap. Let's hope he knows how to sit still. Cuz i don't need a repeat of the previous few times. 

I finish cooking and set up. Everyone started coming downstairs including Eleanor. I sat down and Harry came and sat on my lap. We started eating. Everyone was just talking and eating their own stuff. Eleanor walked in and shot Harry a look then sat down. We kept eating. When Harry wasn't looking Eleanor shot me a wink and a thumbs up. I smiled back. Harry started moving around a lot. I grab him by his hips he jumps a bit. I pull him close and whisper in his ear. "Be a good boy and stop moving around before you cause something." I always talk super flirty so he wasn't surprised. He was a little by what i meant. He responded with "maybe that was the plan." I- my face turned red and my jaw dropped. i was speechless. So we getting bold now huh. Ok. "You-  i-  okay."  is all i managed to say. 

Harry texted me under the table. It said "Eleanor is staring at us. Since she likes to watch us, lets give her a show." I reply with "pda?" Harry texts me back with "No. More like s-e-x. Pretend like we're going to fuck and stuff... Leave her curious."  "I like the way you think Styles. Bet". I respond back. I get up and throw Harry over my shoulder then I say "sorry you're have to excuse us because mr. Harry here needs to learn a lesson." I smirk and the everyone understood and was shocked. I carried Harry upstairs to his room and locked the door. "Well they were shocked. Since they think were fucking we're gonna have to make it seem like we did. "Ok." I pin Harry against the wall and start kissing him.  He kisses me back then i start kissing his neck. He let out a moan. Idk if that was real or fake but either way it was hot as fuck. 

I start attacking that spot with kisses and biting it softly. He moaning alot now. And im just loving it. I can smell the strawberry kiwi hair stuff. God i just want him so bad. I start kissing Harry's neck going lower and lower and lower until i reach his pants. Then Harry flips me around so now im against the wall. (because they kinda share that really) He starts kissing my neck. Looking for my sweet spot. He finds it and i let out a soft moan. He starts attacking that spot and everything around it. He makes hickeys all the way down to my pants. "Ok that should be enough I say.  "Yeah it should" "wait one more thing to really be convincing..." "What?" "Scratch my back." "Not you assuming IM bottom." "In this 'relationship' you are. So scratch my back" "ugh yeah ok." "Actually come here." I pick him up and put him in a position like we're fucking. He turns red. "Now scratch my back" he does. 

I pull him closer and he turns even more red. He scratches my back some more. Then i pull him so close his is on my area. He turns redder. He scratches my back even more. "Haz this last part will uncomfy" "what is it?" Well.... Me pretending to fuck you while you scratch my back." "I- um ok" i start pounding against Harry's ass. Don't do it. Don't do it. Don't do it. I let out a small groan/ moan you did it anyways... I see Harry closing his eyes biting his bottom lip. I know you want to moan harry. Fine bite your lip. I'll make you moan one way or another. I pull his hair. He lets out a good moan as if he's been holding it in for awhile. 

I stop doing that. Harry opens his eyes and sees the situation and his eyes go wide. I slide up in between his legs up into his face. I look him in the eye and say "i love you Haz" "i love you too Lou" i grab his neck and pull it towards me. We kiss for awhile then i get up. "You wanna watch a movie" He asks. "Yeah sure why not we have some time to spare" we climb to the head of the bed and we go to amazon prime. What movie do you wanna watch? He asks me. "Idk how about you. What do you wanna watch" I ask. "Idk lets ask Alexa." "Alexa pick a movie." I say. It chooses Cmbyn.(lol)
We start watching it and we both fell asleep cuddling. Like always.

1.3k. Bruh they do be dry humping doe. They both be wanting to fuck eachother. I- 2 updates in one day. Ooo im fooling. Annieways update on the crush thing. My bitch-made friend kylie decided to tell her so now she knows i like her. Sigh ik she doesn't like me so i think our friendship bis over. Fucking Kylie always intervening in something for no reason.

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