no I just kiss you cause you're cute

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(this one is pretty long)

(Louis's pov)

Harry and I have been going out of a bunch of dates for the last 2 months and things could not be any better. We gotten really close and I think I'm gonna ask him to be my boyfriend today. I planned us a date on the beach and then a sunset dinner. I walk inside the house and everyone is crowded around the T.v watching intensely. "I don't understand why Morgan and Garcia couldn't just be together" Harry yells out. "Me either, they were literally endgame" Zayn quickly replies. "The fact that they married him off in the show still makes me almost wanna stop watching" Niall adds in. "Okay but like..... let's talk about Reid, why did they feel the need to give him a girlfriend just to kill her off" Eleanor says almost mad. "I never understood why Reid could never have nothing nice" Harry says. "Honestly me either. It pisses me off how they cast Reid as the super overly smart guy who can't possibly have love" I interject 

Harry turns around at the sound of my voice and practically leaps off the couch and into my arms. I quickly catch him. "oops" "Hi" I reply "missed me?" "of course I did, you're like my favorite person ever" He replies. "HEY" Niall yells. "Sorry Nialler" "No I get it...... because I'm not fucking you, I'm not your favorite I can-" I cut him off "YOU WILL DO NOTHING OF THAT SORT AND LIKE IT" "I wasn't-" "NOTHING" "Harry get your possessive ass boyfriend and tell him to chill" "he's not my boyfriend" "yet" I add "he's not my boyfriend YET and Lou chill out" I pout because I don't like being scolded. "stop pouting" Harry says without even looking my way. "how did you-" "cause i just knew you would" I grab him and pull him up the stairs with me and as soon as I close the door I say "get dressed, Im taking you on a date" "now?"

"right now" I say as he quickly gets dressed. "you look amazing" I say because he really does. "oh shut up you literally just watched me throw this on" he says rolling his eyes. "okay and I rather watch you take it off"(stream TiO) "never in a million years, you're an idiot" "if you say so" we walk downstairs and tell the others we're leaving and get in my car. I drive us down to the beach and Harry starts complaining "why did you tell me we were going to the beach, I didn't bring my swim shorts, god you are an asshole, we were upstairs and you fucking watched me get dressed knowing you were taking me to beach and decided not to tell me to grab my swim short-" I grab his chin and kiss him rough and hard. "now will you be quiet" "yes sir" "good..... anyways, if you would've waited 2 seconds and let me speak you would've heard me tell you how I packed us stuff for the beach and how its in the trunk" he looks at me apologetic. "go find us a good spot and I'll come find you with the stuff" He gets out the car and leaves.

I open the trunk and grab all the things (including the daisies I bought for him) and start my search for Harry. I spot him pretty quickly because damn that motherfucker is tall. I sneak up behind him and put the daisies in front of him. He grabs them and then turns around and kisses me. It catches me off guard and I see a few people looking at us, some with awe and some with digust. If I saw those looks before, I probably would've pushed him off of me, but its Harry, the boy I love and would do anything for, so instead I flip them the bird and continue to kiss him. We break apart and smile at each other. "now that that's done, shall we continue about our date. "Lou they're all looking at us" "Let them look.... we're iconic" he laughs, and not just a quiet haha. A full head leaned back cackle. "god you're amazing" 

I set down our towel and umbrella and then we head into the bathroom and change into our swim stuff. We race to the water and I slow down halfway so Harry could win, I may be smaller than him, but motherfucker I could smoke him any day in a race. Its totally worth it when I see how happy he is. He's jumping up and splashing around like a child who's had too much sugar. I finish walking to him and he smiles at me. He leans in and I close my eyes and start to lean in when I feel a lot of water hit my face. I open my eyes and Harry is swimming away. I quickly catch up to him and grab his arms. "now why would you ever do such a thing like that" "I have done NOTHING wrong" "now-" "plus maybe you deserved it" "why-" "because you're a bossy, 5'7, loud, tiny-" "I AM NOT TINY" I cut him off. "TINY, know it all" I restrain myself from cussing and just settle for "are you done now?" He looks at me as if he's studying my face. "yeah" "wanna race?" I ask. He agrees and we take off. After about half an hour later we're both tired. 

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