they don't know about the I love yous

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(Louis's pov)

It's the day after the wedding, zayn and spent the night at this fancy place (doing god knows what) and now they're flying to Tokyo. It made me think about how much i love harry and how I can't wait till that's us one day. I look down to see Harry in my arms and i just smile because I love this boy so much, and I think its time we move on to the next stage of our life together. Even though its only been a couple of months of us being together, I know this love is a sure thing. I think im gonna ask Harry to move in with me. 

I get up and write harry a note telling him that I'm going out for some things and I'll be back soon, I haven't told him I love him since we started dating, but I think I'm gonna tell him today. I quickly shower and get dressed because I know I have a long day full of planning ahead of me and also I have to look for a house that I think would be good for us.

(Harry's pov)

Today's the day. Today is the day I come out to the world as Harry Styles, the famous song writer. Am I terrified? Yes. Do I want to do this? Yes. Am I gonna do it? YES. I roll over to an empty bed where's louis? I look around and see he left a note, he said he's going out for some things. I really wanted him to be here when I do this, but I guess not. I probably should've told him about it if I wanted him to be here because I know he would've been here to support me.

I pick up my phone and go onto my instagram account and see I have a new dm from my boyfriend's favorite boyband who I guess I'm pretty cool with, can you guess who it is? Nonetheless One Direction. I click on the group chat and they're talking about how they're going to be releasing Little Things today and then the their album will he coming out in 5-6 weeks. I'm kinda excited and I know Louis will he ecstatic to find out.

I text them and tell them how I plan to reveal my identity to the world today and they said that they'll help me by tapping into the live and we'll announce that little things will be released today and how I'm the writer for it. I thank them profusely and tell them to give me about an hour to get ready and stuff and then we'll do it, and like the awesome people they are they agree and tell me to take my time.

I really like those dudes, they're really cool.... Especially Edward and Lewis. I get kinda gay vibes from them & Zen and Lima. I'm willing to put my money they'll come out one day as Gæ (BE WHO YOU AREEEEEEE) They kinda remind me of me and my friends tbh, with how close they are and how caring they are for eachother. I get into the shower and take my time getting ready and then I dry off and put on the outfit I bought specifically for this event. AHHHHH I'm so excited but also scared.

It's been an hour and now it's time. I text them I'm starting it and then I point the camera at the ceiling and start the live. Immediately thousands of people start pouring into the live and spamming the comments. Everyone is shocked, but I can't blame them because well I've never went live before so of course they're surprised. The views are rising so fast I'm starting to get scared. It's already at 987k and I just started it a few mins ago.

I take a deep breath and the comments go wild crazy. I see The boys joined on the group account and I start. "As you all may know" the views are up to 1.1M and I'm internally screaming. "I am Widely known as the ghost writer since I write for so many people but no one's ever seen my face except for the people who I've written for and people who know me in person, which funny story, they only recently found out I was a songwriter."

"It's a funny story actually." I'm procrastinating. The views are now at 1.3M and idk If I'm gonna be able to do it. "But in order for me to tell it I'm gonna have to bring in my good ole friends One Direction. I scroll through the requests and find them. They accept and join the live and views jump to 2.5M and I'm literally shaking. "Hey Harry" they all say at once. "Hi guys"

"So we have some important news to share with you, but first Harry has to show the world his pretty face" Edward says. I laugh and take a deep breath. This is it, now or never. I get a notification and Louis joined the live and that's all the encouragement I need. I turn the camera onto myself and that's it. The world now knows what Harry Styles looks like. The views skyrocket to 4.8M and I panic.

"hi my name is Harry Styles and I've written music for many famous people like One Direction, Ariana Grande, The Weekend, Selena Gomez, Taylor Swift, Beyonce, Ed sheeran, and drake. No one really knew what I looked like until today and now this is my official face reveal. All the comments were flooded with people saying how pretty I am, and how cool it is that I get to work with all these people. "Yeah I would say it's pretty dope hanging out with all these famous people. They're so sweet, but we all know my faves and my boyfriend's faves-"

I freeze mid-sentence. Did I just come out to 5.2 million people? Yes, yes I did fuck. I look at the comments and I see everyone saying "BE WHO YOU AREEEEEE, I SUPPORT YOU" I almost started crying. "like I said mine and my boyfriend's faves..... One Direction." "Hey Everybody" they interject. "Today at 12pm, we will be releasing a New single called "Little Things" Which Harry here wrote. "Like I said there's a funny story about that, I laugh. "I'll tell you guys another time, but for now, Get ready to stream Little Things by One Direction at 12pm."

I say bye and end the live. I feel so relieved, but I also know things will be different from here on out. Just as I was about to head downstairs Louis walks in and attacks me with a hug and kisses all over my face. "I'm so proud of you babe what the hell" "thank you so much It was so scary but when you joined I felt like I could do anything" "I'm glad because I love you" "and I love you" he gasps and I wonder if I did something wrong. "you didn't do anything. That was just out first I love yous as a couple"

I giggle. "yeah it was" I kiss him and it starts getting heated when we hear "can everybody come down to kitchen I have a announcement to make" We can't never have time to ourselves god. We head down to the kitchen and wait for everyone to get there. Everyone finally arrives and Taylor starts talking "well there's been something ive been keeping from you guys for a while and I think its time for me to inform you all.... Danielle and I, we're..... together, and have been for awhile, it started when i walked in on her modeling some bikini's and since then.... we've been seeing each other.... and yeah.

"well" I start. "That's really cool and we support you endlessly." "yeah" niall jumps in. "and while we are on the topic of people dating and stuff, me and Lewis have been dating for a couple of months now and yeah, im tired of keeping it a secret. "wooo that's great, any more secret couples or tea to spill?'' "Actually yeah me" Eleanor speaks up and I ROLL my eyes. What does she want? "what is it?" Louis asks not really hiding the annoyance in his voice. "I'm Pregnant" The whole room goes silent. I swear you could hear a pin drop. Taylor looks at Louis and Louis immediately says "don't look at me, I didn't get her pregnant" and everyone including eleanor laughs. "Yeah the father is max"

(Louis's pov)

After we talk about that for a bit more we all head off to our own ways. I realize that this is it. I have to ask him right now. I close the door behind me and I quickly grab harry and sit down on the bed. "Harry, I love you very much and I care about you alot. You mean alot to me and I know we've been dating for less than a year, but i seriously believe that you and I is a forever and then some type of thing so I wanted to ask you to idk..... move in with me? He looks at me and blinks. "Louis you know I love you very much and I care about you alot and I want to do things right..... Because of that I don't know if-"

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