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I still remember that day like it was yesterday..... The way my heart was pounding in chest. The feeling of nervousness, scared I had messed up by asking him that. I thought for sure I was doomed, but everything could not have worked out more perfectly. We ended up moving in together 2 months later into our own apartment. At first it was a little weird, it took awhile to get used to that's for sure..... Not having everyone around us all the time. At least we get some privacy nowadays. We still all see each other and hang out. There's no way I'd be able to stand here today without all my best friends, but that was a year and a half ago and we've really made this place our home.

As far as Harry, as time has went by my love for him has grown and grown and grown. His career skyrocketed even more after he revealed his face and he started making music of his own. I have never been more proud of him. I get to see my best friend do the things he's always dreamed of and it makes me happy. He told me how he had a surprise for me and im kinda excited.

*Time skip an hour*

Harry just texted me and told me he's on his way home with my surprise and I can feel my stomach getting all giddy and nervous. I wonder what it could possibly be. Whatever it is, I gotta make sure I look presentable and pretty for my lover. I hope in the shower and wash my face and body, knowing it'll be a while before he gets home. The Traffic here is insane sometimes. I get out the shower and I put on a striped shirt and a pair of red pants, feeling the nostalgia of one of our first times meeting.

After im done getting ready, I get a text from Harry

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After im done getting ready, I get a text from Harry. Wow just in time. We've always been very close and in sync. I thought I heard him come up the stairs when I get a text telling me to go out on the balcony. I step out on the balcony and I look down. In that moment, all the air, thoughts, feelings, are knocked out of my body. I notice two things.

First, ITS ONE DIRECTION. OMG ITS ONE DIRECTION. The other thing I notice is the signs they're holding up. It creates a question. Will You Marry Me? at first it doesn't process, I can't grasp the fact that this is real, I look around looking for Harry. I don see him. I turn around and he's right behind me, on one knee. "Louis Tomlinson, ever since we first met, you were someone special to me, at the time I didn't understand what that meant, all I understood was that I wanted you in my life forever. As time went by i realized how you are the only person I can imagine spending my whole life with, and every morning, I say thank you to the world, for loving me so much, for letting me experience your love. You just make me so incredibly happy, you make me feel some things I can't even describe but are so strong, you are one of the first things I think about in the morning and the last thing I think about at night, you are my joy and spirit and the reason I shine so bright. From the very beginning something told me to keep my eye on you, but nowadays I struggle to keep my mind off you. you are a game changer I swear I could never want someone else when you're in my life, because you complete me so well and it all feels right. I love you on purpose this morning, I love you on purpose tonight, I love you on purpose tomorrow and if you'll have me, I'll love you on purpose for the rest of our life." I am so overwhelmed with emotions I don't know what to say. YES, SAY YES "Yes" my words barely audible. Harry puts the ring on my finger, kisses me, and grabs my hand to lead me back on the balcony. "HE SAID YES" while holding our intwined hands in the air.

I had never felt so alive as I did In that moment. All I ever wanted is in front of me. Right Infront of me. MY amazing fiance, and the band I've loved since the start. I can't believe it. Then Harry leads me downstairs for a proper introduction. "Louis, meet One Direction, One Direction, meet my fiance Louis" I blush at his word choice and I say hii "Ah, this is the man all those love songs were about, good to finally meet you" Lewis says. "You've really had Harry here whipped for years" Edward chimes in. "Well im just glad I can call him mine" I say happy. "You never told me how you two actually got together" Lewis says. "It just happened" we say in unison.


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