I cant keep running

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yeah ik these recommendations were posted a long time ago, but i was in a rlly bad place and took multiple breaks, multiple times, so i never ended up getting to any of these, i have a lot more motivation now and will be posting more!!

Also part of this was kinda inspired by the hunger games.

The perspective also switched between 1st person and 3rd btw.
Two weeks before.

Panic filled my body as i waited for the next hunters name to be called, my hands shook, and clearly George saw this too. He grabbed my hand and looked me in the eyes, "it's going to be okay, it's not gonna be you, me or anybody close to us alright?" George comforted the younger.
"I know.. but this whole thing shakes me up everyti-"

" The newest hunter to manhunt is... Dream Was Taken."

the announcer spoke.
I looked over to Dream who looked horrified, Dream was probably the most terrified of becoming a hunter out of everyone, he trained almost all day, just incase the day came. He didn't mode yet, he lifted a shaky hand to his mouth, and ran the other through his hair gripping it.

Realization hit me and i screamed, i ran over to Dream and i grabbed him and held him tight. If the hunter fails, they die, if the hunted fails, they'll be dead already. If the hunted kills themselves, both die. "Dream, no, no god please dream, no-" Sapnap whispered useless pleas into his ears. Dream pulled sapnap into a hug. "Hey, it's gonna be okay, yknow me i got this." Dream tried to comfort sapnap while also reassure himself. "Please don't go, please."
"You know i don't have a choice." Dream let go of sapnap and walked up stage. 
George had to hold sapnap back, he kicked and screamed and eventually gave up and dropped to the floor.

"And now, the newest prey is...." The announcer paused.

"Sapnap Halo." Sapnap didn't say anything, his vision was blurry and his heard decided not to hear what was going on around him, he was pretty sure he had heard George screaming, and a few other voices whisper around them.

I stood up and walked up stage where Dream was standing. He look terrified and was crying. "It's okay." I mouthed to him, "It's okay relax".
I hated seeing Dream so scared, so horrified. what was going to happen? If dream didn't kill me he would die. if i die, both of us die. there isn't a what if now, one of us, will die.


Sapnap panted as he ran through the village grabbing as much materials as he could, he'd been running for so long now. When the manhunt began there wasn't much time for comfort, or tears.

Dream was still right behind him, whenever they were in close range of each other, there was moments of sorrow, but they quickly got back to the main priority, living.

Sapnap knew in the back of his mind this would only end one way, he mentally prepared himself for the time to come.

He could see the Neon green clothing Dream was wearing in the distance, he started running again, all he did was run. There seemed to be no point anymore.

What if i just.. gave up, what if i let him kill me. Sapnap thought. He knew that Dream was going easy on him so he could beat the game. But that's not how sapnap wanted things to go.

There had been multiple times were dream had come close to winning, but didn't pull though and let sapnap escape.

If Dream didn't start actually trying, he would be forced, whether that being blackmail, physical punishments, or whatever. They would make him kill Sapnap, they always did.

2 days later

"Fuck!!" Sapnap yelled, he had fallen into a ravine. He didn't have enough material to build back up, and he was low on food. He scanned the walls for anything useful, nothing. He heard movement from behind him, he turned and it was dream. An arrow ready to be fired at him.

Sapnap tried not to smile, he remembered training with Dream using bow and arrows. "Please." Sapnap said.
"Not like this." Dream cried, he lowered his bow and walked up to sapnap with a sword in hand, "Sap, i have to do this i have to i-" Dream panicked, "The things they said they'd do to you.." He slurred, "Sapnap i'm sorry." he wailed. "I'm sorry, i have to do this!" He screamed while panting between every word.

"Dream, it's okay." Sapnap comforted him, bringing a hand to his face. "It's alright, we both.. we both knew i wouldn't make it." He laughed.

"I love you so much. Now, please. please just do it already." Sapnap begged.

"I'm sorry.." Dream screamed as he stabbed the sword through sapnap stomach.

"There's nothing to be sorry about.." Sapnap gaged.
Blood quickly dyed his white shirt red. Dreams hand Held sapnaps head.

Sapnaps winced in pain grabbing Dreams faces and kissing him.

Dream took his sword out of Sapnaps bleeding body, blood poured from his mouth.

Dream laid sapnap against the wall of the ravine, sitting next to him.

"I'm glad... i'm glad i g-got to spend my life with you Dream. Thank you.."
Sapnaps breath became higher paced. It made dream sick listening to him gasp for air, Dream held sapnaps dying body. The quick paced breathing quickly came to a stop. Dream instantly sat up and looked at sapnap. He brought his hand up to sapnap faced and caressed it one last time. Getting some blood on his face in the procces. "I love you" he finished.

He stood up and screamed at the top of his lungs "ITS OVER NOW YOU FUCKS, ARE YOU HAPPY, DOES THIS ENTERTAIN YOU SICK BASTARDS?!" He screamed and fell to the hard floor, this wasn't where sapnap should've died, he should've died of old age, in his sleep, comfortably. He didn't deserve this.

"I HATE YOU!!" He cried. Slamming his fist into the floor until he couldn't feel it any longer. Blood gushed from his palms from digging his nails into himself.

Sapnap was right, we all knew how it would end.

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