lunch room☁️

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ayo this isn't really a shipping chapter.. kinda?? Just like Dream and sapnap are in middle school and they have a crush on each other thats all, no kissy kiss because their tiney tiny minors in this AU 👶👍🏻

George walked over to the table where is good friends "Dream" and "sapnap" sat.

"Hi george!" Dream greeted George as he took his seat at the table.
"Hi Dream.. so. Anything new you two?"
"No not really.. why?" Sapnap said nudging him with his foot from under the table.

Sapnap was the youngest of the three. Only being in sixth grade.

"Whaaaaaat?" George whined


"You kicked me!"

"No I didn't" he crossed his arms trying to look innocent. "Okay George come here." He grabbed George's arm brining him to the hallway, looking back and forth making sure nobody was lurking around the school.

"Okay.." he sighed. "Don't be so obvious! He's gonna know if you keep asking things like.. "anything knew guys..?" Or "how have you two been?" Its so obvious George !"

"Huh?.. obvious??.. oh.. oh! You think I'm trying to hint at your-"

"Shh!" Sapnap whispered as he covered George's mouth with his hands. "Idiot!" He frowned.

"To be fair. That's not my fault for you assuming what I was Intending." The British boy shrugged his shoulders, heading back to the table.

"Hey wait up!" Sapnap left soon after.

"What where you guys talking about?" Dream asked

"Nothing." Sapnap said sitting down."

"Oh nothing..." George said slyly.

Dream and Sapnap both shot him a concerned look.

The truth was. George knew both the boys liked each other.. They both told him! Like it wasn't obvious.. but he wasn't gonna humiliate them, so he waited for them to tell each other.

"What?" He looked to both the boys. "What?!"
They both snapped their heads back, staring at their food.

George mumbled something under his breath.
"Huh?" Sapnap and Dream asked in union.

"Nothing!" George smiled.

Sapnap gave him a look before continuing to eat. George watched as the boys ate happily and chatted about their Minecraft server, and what they planned to do in the future. "Guys, where only in middle school.. how do you guys know what you wanna be when you grow up?" George asked.

"Well.. one, it has our interested. Two, we can all do it together. So even when we graduate, and sapnaps still in school. Where able to stay in contact. Three, if we move away, let's say.. you go to Britain, and sapnap moves somewhere.. and I stay here in Florida, we can still be friends!" Dream smiled at the two of us. Making sapnap smile back at him.

"How do you know we'll get views?.." George asked again, being skeptical, as always.

"We all have a great dynamic.. I mean look at us!" Sapnap semi shouted. "Even if we don't get many views.. we'll be happy." He smiled looking down.

"Okay okay fine. I've been convinced.." George laughed.

"But one more thing.." he looked at the two back and forth. "I know who else has a "good dynamic." He smirked, standing up and leaving the table. "I'm gonna go get ready for my next class now.. Bye guys!" He laughed running off.

The two where left to stare at each other.. until they broke out in laugher.

yoink.. so.. if anyone's interested.. I'm making a plot to a story rn, it's a dreamnap one so since this is a dreamnap oneshot book, I thought I would say it here.. Not any promises it will come out soon.. because I may want to publish it all at once, so I might write it all. Meaning it will take longer for chapters to come out, or I can post one when I can. And have it come out faster? But you'll have to wait. Whatever the majority is, I'm fine with either.

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