empty houses🌧

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I gulp down the alcohol that burned my throat, I didn't care though. Not after he was taken away from me, I want him back. No, I need him back, why..Why so soon? He was only 23.. I need him back, tears cloud up my vision thinking of the days we'd spend together. I felt the seat next to me, running my hands up and down the sofa. It was always "his spot!" I stand up dropping the empty glass and placing the bottle down on the floor, I stand up walking to my bedroom, that stung. It used to be ours but recently it's always been my, I, mine. I can't stand being alone.. at least I have patches..

I get to my bedroom and flop on the bed, I hadn't touched a thing since the 4 months he'd been gone, I couldn't do that to him, the spot on his bed still had the blankets peeled off the bed from wear he slept, his things on the nightstand, his PC, his clothes, the clothes on the floor, nothing. I refuse to "fix" it, when it's perfect the way it is. George is worried about me, "Dream, you look like a mess, your house is a mess.. you're still in the same clothes from three days ago! Dream, he's gone. You can't wait and expect him to come back happy that it's the way he left it! Get ahold of yourself!" He grabbed Dream by the shoulders and shook him "he's gone Dream! He's never coming back!" He cried tears streaming down his face. "no.." I mumbled, "you're wrong.. he- he's not gone.." he was still crying before yelling "you're in disbelieve Dream! He's never gonna come back.."I pushed George and his words away. I run into my house slamming the door leaving George crying on my Porch.

I didn't care what anyone said, he's just gone temporarily, I'll see him again, hopefully soon.. maybe.. I can, sooner then the universe planned for me. I don't know if the internet could go threw another heartbreak like this, no matter what I did on the internet I got comments saying "How do you feel about sapnap?" And headers to paragraphs and paragraphs filling up by socials.

Nick, a well known Minecraft YouTuber and streamer also known as "sapnap" found dead in his home, how will the fans and freinds react? Here are some things they have released and said. words.. words... George.. Karl... words.. words.. Eret.. Tommy.. words.. words.. Wilbur.. tubbo.. Nikki.. Dream..   The YouTuber known as Dream also well known as Sapnaps Boyfreind, he hasn't responded to the media yet. No shit..

I close my phone looking over to sapnaps side of the bed, I imagined him jumping into the bed and stealing almost all the covers, I've been ignoring the messages from any friends or family, Drista has called me 19 times, mom 27, George 7, Karl 10, "s-sapnap?!" I freaked out clicking the voice mail. "hi Dream! I miss youuu, college suckssssss" he laughed "I'll be home in a few hours love youuu!" He said, the voice mail ended.

he really is gone isn't he? he's really gone.. gone forever, I'm never gonna see him. I'm gonna live a full live with out the most meaningful part of my life.  But maybe.. I don't need to, I could see him again.. but at what cost?.. was I willing to loose everything?

spoiler, I was. And I did.


"Dreams not responding, I'm worried." George told Wilbur, "we need to go check on him." The British boys decided, after driving to Dreams, and what used to be sapnaps, house we saw Eret and Niki talking outside his house knocking on the door, "guys?" Wilbur asked walking up to the two, "oh hey will.." niki greeted him. "We're here because were worried for Dream, he's not responding or going online at all.." Eret said looking concerned.

George pushed the group aside trying to open the door, "locked." He sighed. He backed up and slammed against the door causing it to come loose, "Dream?" He asked loudly. The group called for him making their way around the house, they eventually made it to Dream and Sapnaps room, "oh my god it smells horrid.." niki complained. "Dream?" Niki opened the door to see a dark room, "Dream?.." she said softer. She walked in as the group stayed in the hallway looking into the bathroom, "dream?" She made her way to the bed.. "Dream?-" she let out a devastating scream that the boys outside would never forget, they all ran in seeing what she saw.

Their was Dream, hugging one of sapnaps Sweatshirts, blood covering the bedsheets and Dreams clothes, a note laying innocently on the pillow next to him, "oh my god!!" Eret yelled tears filling his eyes, Wilbur turned to see Nikis petrified face meeting his face.. then the uncanny silence that led after that.

The silence was broken by the ruffling of the paper, George started to read out loud chocking on his words, he had lost both of his best friends.

"If your the one reading this I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I couldn't handle it well enough. I'm sorry mama and drista for not being strong enough to see your faces again, I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough to watch another football game with the two of you. Be able to tease you drista. I'm sorry drista you won't be able to play Minecraft with Tommy and me observing in the background, I'm sorry, I love you. to my friends. I'm sorry I'll never be able to see the end of our smp, have more memories with me, play games with me, stay up till ungodly hours because of our time zones, I can't wait to watch you all become successful and grow old from the afterlife. George, I'm sorry to leave you alone, I'm sorry what your about to go through, I know how hard it is to loose your best friend, not only one but two, I'll never forgive myself for that. Live a long like George, you're strong you can do it. I'll be watching Kay? But all is well, know I'm happy with sapnap, we're okay.. I can't wait to see you all again, tell patches I'll miss him take care of him George.. please. So I guess this is my goodbye to the world, tell my supporters how much I appreciate them, and will continue to in the after life, how much I'll miss them, thank you for the happiest 4 years of my life world, goodbye." George broke down,

"No no no no No.. PLEASE NO... I'll be strong for you Dream I promise.. patches?" Patches came from under the bed and curled up in George's lap, he's covered in blood, he must of been their when he passed. He thought,  "what do we do?.." niki asked.. "we report him.." Wilbur sobbed.

Two hours later

The police cars and ambulance's where all outside the house that once brought joy to all of them, who would've thought this is what would happen, if someone had been their that night with sapnap maybe this would never have happened. who knows, the universe always has a plan, it when dead silence to anyone who was arounds ears flashing lights, as they saw them take Dream away, still holding sapnaps hoodie, sobs could be heard around the house, the internet wasn't ready for another loss, Dream was right. The amount of sadness the world felt that day would be remembered for years to come, kids who lost their comfort, people who lost their friends, mothers who lost their son, Sisters who lost their brother, Dirsts screamed and ran to Dreams side screaming, she grabbed into his hand and squeezed, begging for him to come back, his mother had fell to her knees seeing the son she raised and watched grow dead.

After chaos ended and everyone when home drista and her mother stayed along with George, they all walked into the empty house, the house that was filled with happy lovers, who would've thought, the very place they where standing is where Dreams world crushed, coming home to find his dead boyfriend in front of the door. And not to long to die as well, "it's quiet. I don't like the quiet." (Omg me putting a Hamilton reference? What!??) "rarely was it quiet with Dream.." drista laughed.

the small group could've sworn they heard the couple saying goodbye one last time before leaving for good.

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