Strange neighbor☁️ (pt 1)

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I looked out my window to see my neighbor, he had been my  new "mystery", When he did come outside it wasn't to go to school, that's for sure. 'Maybe he was homeschooled.' Sapnap thought.

Right now he's taking out the trash, I studied his movement. And don't get the weird stalker idea from me, it's boring when the only people on your street are old people, and the one kid you age doesn't even go out much.

I watched him slowly get out of my field of view since my curtains where in the way, I move the curtains aside lifting the blinds up for a clear view, when I finally got everything out of the way, I looked back at the blonde boy. He was looking back at me "shit!" I fall down and hide under the window, "did he see me?" I mumbled to myself. I peek back over slightly through the window, he was looking confused up at my window, i don't think he can see me, so I continue to watch him. He slowly eventually went into his house, looking around. He knew he was being watched, "shoot.."

The next day I was getting ready to head out for school, I said goodbye to my dad and left out the front door. My school was walking distance, only about 5 minutes away. I look at my strange neighbors house and observe it. It looks like any other house. I keep on my walk, wondering about the anonymous boy across the street. I shrug it off, probably nothing to worry about.

I honestly couldn't wait to get out of this place, I very much dislike school. I don't have many friends, I mean I have some in a few classes to make high school "not so horrid" my good friend George would say, he's graduated now, he was my friend in middle school, and somewhat high school. He was older then me but he didn't care neither did I. I'm it at all popular at school. I'm quiet and just trying to get by, I don't get involved with drama or fights on purpose or anything really.

Finally I'm going home now, maybe I'll see "strange neighbor" again; I need more information on strange neighbor, maybe George will know. I'll ask him later, now to spy.

I put all my school stuff away and feed my pets, I have homework.. "eh, I'll do it later tonight." I said to myself.

I go out the back door and sit behind a bush, if I can figure out which window is his this will be a lot easier. I should call Karl to "fake" pick me up so we can walk by his house. I ring Karl...

"Hello?" The boy on the other side of the phone asked
"Karl! Can you come over? I need your help." I said
"uhm, okay? With what?"
"I'll tell you once you get here, so then you can say no." I stated.
"Fine, but if you pull any stupid stuff, I'll do stupid stuff back. Be there in fifth teen." Karl hung up the call.

I did a small celebration, before I was cut off by my dad standing behind me, "what're you doing?" He asked looking confused at me, "DAD OH MY GOD." He scared the shit out of me, "oops sorry, but what ARE you doing?.." he asked again.
"Oh I'm waiting for Karl." I replied bluntly.
"In the bushes?.." he looked around concerned.
"Yes, uhm.. we're doing something." I said, this conversation getting awkward.
"Okay... you two have fun?" He said before going back inside.
Karl should be here soon.

Karl was here now, I popped out of the bushed and tapped on his shoulders, "hello!" I smiled, "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU !?" Karl screamed. "Okay, c'mere," I said motioning him to follow me to the bushes. "Okay, I'll tell you everything now, here get down and HIDE so he can't see you." I finished.
"Who is watched us?!" Karl got nervous looking at me concerned.

"Strange neighbor. My newest mystery." I said crossing my arms.
"Nope I'm leaving, goodbye." Karl tried to get up, "no!" You have to act like your taking me on a walk, then he we by strange neighbors house and hide, we see what window is his, then we can move onto plan two, I've been thinking about the steps during-" I took a deep breath. "School." I finally summed up the reason I invited him here.
"uhm, okay.. but you owe me."
"Deal." I smiled grabbing his hand "let's go"

We walked by strange neighbors house, not suspiciously looking for hiding spots. "There!" I whisper shout, moving my hand slightly to the hiding spot. "Hurry," Karl said running behind a tree beside the house. I quickly followed him. "Shh!" He whisper shouted at me "you're so loud!" He said covering my mouth, I grabbed his hand taking it off my face "I'm loud? I didn't even talk!" I whispered to him.

"uhm.. what are you two doing?" A concerned voice asked from an anonymous place.
We both froze in place looking at each other, ready to run as fast as possible. I turn to run but Karl grabbed me pulling me back. "Uhm hello?" The person asked again.
"Uhhh hi?" I said, Karl and I have made our way around the tree to see the person talking.

It's him! Is the strange neighbor ! I thought.

"Okay.. what're you two doing.. in my yard, behind a tree?" He asked.

"Uhhh..." Karl started looking at me, trying to make up an excuse. "He likes you and we where uhm spying on you?" Karl said not fully confident on that lie.
"What?!" My voice cracked, "he's lying, he bad at it too see look at his face he's lying." I crossed my arms.
"Uh okay, then why are you here then?" He asked looking creeped out. "Well I wanted to spy on you? That sounds horrible I know but it's just there's nothing to do in this neighborhood. I'm sorry." I apologized.

"So that's why you've been looking at me from your window. I thought you were plotting against me." He laughed, "I'm Dream." He out his hand out, "sapnap." I smiled putting my hand out as well to shake hands.

"And Karl!" Karl interrupted the two. "Well now that my business is almost done here, you two are going to become friends! Your the only two teenagers on this block, and I bet it gets lonely for the both of you." Karl nodded at his statement. "Sapnaps number is **********, Karl wrote that in his notebook, and yours?" He asked Dream. "Oh uh **********" Karl wrote that in his notebook too, ripping the paper handing eachother the others numbers. "Alright then. My works done, let's go back yeah?" He asked me. "Uhm yeah, bye Dream! I'll text you later!"  Dream nodded waving going back inside as Karl and I made our way across the street to my house.

1172 words

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