TNT and tears🌧

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okay so Wilbur blows up manberg, and then you'll see (obviously not what actually happened) *turns on sad playlist😔*
3rd person POV

screams and explosions rang through a place that once echoed with friendly chaos and enjoyment.

That festival, the one that was supposed to be filled with happiness, started with everyone's dear friend Tubbo. Anger, sadness, and regret was all that was seen on each others faces, some screamed, some begged techno to leave it be, and some, didn't have a clue what was going to happen, after the death of their young friend, the people at the festival all screamed at shlatt "how could you?!" Niki screamed, fundy held her back, if not she could kill him. Shlatt laughed, "you all are mourning over a traitor?" He looked flabbergasted. "That's all he was to me. So don't waste tears, let's finish this festival." He said smirking at the people below him crying.

Wilbur almost instantly ran out of the festival, it's now or never, "wait wilbur." Dream pleaded, running towards him. "It's not worth it please.. what about Niki?" He tried to change his mind. "Niki? Ha. She was never my girlfriend. Why would I care if she gets blown up?" He looked pained but smiled, "what about your friends? What about fundy and eret? What about all of L'manberg, do you not remember all the times you had?" Dream still pressed on. "I'm fully aware, but. I'm sure you know all those people betrayed me." He turned away from Dream. "I don't want to hurt you." Dream said sighing. "At least let me get anyone I can't out of there." He begged, "you got five minutes." Wilbur said, lying.

Dream ran as fast as he could and yelled into the crowd of people mourning. "Everyone!! We need to get out of manberg now!! Wilburs gonna blow us all away if we don't.." he scanned the area for anyone who wasn't leaving, "we have five minutes, we're gonna have to go the longer way out of Manberg incase he does blow manberg away sooner then he told me, the quicker way out is more rigged with TNT then this side so everyone go!" He yelled at the group running away, sapnap came running towards Dream, "how do you know all of this!?" He asked dragging his hands to his own trying to drag him with him to the exit. "He told me.. now, I'll be there in a sec, we still have about 3 minutes left until he's gonna blow us up? Okay go catch up with everyone. Quackity and Shlatt haven't left yet." Sapnap nodded not trusting that he'd make it out, he turned and got to the the group again.

Dream saw shlatt sitting down, Quackity was trying to drag shlatt out, "cmon shlatt! What're you doing?!" He screamed. "I'm not gonna give into Wilbur, I'm gonna say here until this plays blows, you hear me?" He pushed Quackity away who started running to the group, "Shlatt?" Dream asked, shlatt was looking to Tubbo's body, "please shlatt."
"Why did I do that?" He asked picking up tubbo's body, "shlatt. You need to get out of here." Dream said fighting him. "Before I do die. I would like to say that.. tubbo wasn't just a traitor to me, he was like a brother." He said before giving Tubbos remains a pat on the back. "Shlatt. I'm gonna have to leave you." Dream said closing his eyes and clenching his fists. "Good, I need to apologize to someone." Shlatt said, putting down tubbo's body. He smiled into the distance of Manberg and said his last goodbye "goodbye Dream." A captain always goes down with their ship.

Dream was running as fast as he could, knowing that that conversation with shlatt made him loose two minutes of time, he saw the group of people split up, the entrance was blocked off, dammit. "Sapnap!" Dream cried running to him, he was talking with Karl and eret, "hey hey, it's okay well fine a way out Kay?" Dream said as he saw that sapnap was shaking. "I know, I just thought you wouldn't come back.." he said hugging Dream, Dream hugged him back before hearing Quackity scream at him, "Where's Shlatt?!" He said angrily running to Dream tears forming in his eyes. "He refused to come." Dream said blankly. Quackity took no time and started running to shlatt, people called his name, we all knew the twos fate. Despair filled the air. [insert danganronpa meme]  "we need to find an exit. I've seen some of them on the way here are closed off, I assumed it was shlatt, but I'm not so sure now." Dream said, "everyone split up in groups and look around for an exit.." Dream said, Niki, Fundy, and Eret all went together, Karl, Sapnap, and Dream also went together, Anyone else grouped as well. "

Dream, how much longer do we have?" Sapnap asked. "One minute, but I told Tommy to spare us time, with him doing that it would be at least another 30 seconds." he said looked determined. "Dream.." sapnap stoped walking, giving up. "Sapnap, what're you doing?" He asked, "we're gonna have to break the walls, and we don't have the Material here with us to do that, someone has to run back." Sapnap sadly smiled at him, "No Sapnap." Dream said grabbing his shoulder, "it's okay." Sapnap said "I'll be fast, I promise, we're wasting time." Sapnap kissed Dream before he ran to the buildings to grab materials, Karl and Dream kept looking, Eret eventually went to look for things to break the walls too, 4 people in total went to look for things to use.


Everyone looked horrified to see we're once the festival was being held was being blown up, everyone screamed and called out for the four friends to come back.


Again, now it's closing in on us, "sapnap!!" Dream called out.


Damnit!! Dream thought he kept running in the direction the few went, "Sapnap?!" He screamed, his voice breaking from crying. "Sapnap!!" He screamed again, Niki was looking for eret in the same area "Eret!!" She cried, "Niki!" Eret yelled, "where's Sapnap?!" Dream screamed.


We turned our heads to see the spots the rest of our groups being blown up, Niki let out a blood shocked scream, "NOO!" She cried, seeing the dust clouds, Niki ran into the rubble to find her friends lying on the ground, the life slowly draining from their eyes, "How could you Wilbur!!?" She shrieked. she stood up and screamed insults and cursed at Wilbur, wanting him to hear every bit of it, knowing he was no where near, she practically lost her voice. "I hate you Wilbur!! I'll never forgive you!" Eret ran to her crying telling her to come back.

Dream was still looking for Sapnap when another chilling explosion went off, "Sapnap?!" He screamed, seeing his friends bodies, people trying to pull the pieces of buildings off their dying friends. "Sapnap?!.." he cried.. there was shlatt.. he let out a small gasp before persisting on, "sapnap?.." he asked, losing hope, "sapnap?!" He screamed. He ran to a body laying with theyre back against a wall, "sapnap oh my god!" He ran to him and grabbed his hand, "Dream.. here" he smiled, he had weapons and pickaxes, "oh.. sapnap.. thank you." Dream said pulling him into a hug, "cmon let's go, it's just Niki and eret now." A face of fear washed over sapnaps face. Dream tried to pick sapnap up, it made him significantly slower, "Dream." Sapnap said. "Don't, it's slowing you down, you know that I don't have a chance." He said. "I'm not leaving without you." He put sapnap down and ran to Niki and eret giving them the tools before running back to sapnap.

"I'm staying with you okay?" Dream told sapnap, sitting down next to him leaning against a wall, pulling sapnap to him, he went willingly into his touch, "Dream no.. you can go. You can make it." Sapnap said teary eyed, "I don't wanna make it out of here without you." He said squeezing him into a hug "it's gonna be okay." "I love you Sapnap."
"I love you too Dream."


the two kissed eachother before another blast went off, and that was the last breathe they took, the last time they looked into eachothers eyes, the last time they held hands, last time they said they loved each other, last time they were alive.

Niki and eret made it out alive, they tell the stories of their friends who died that fateful day, she was gonna get revenge on the lives Wilbur took, those survives would get the revenge they wanted. And they did.

the end. My Spotify is glitching wth

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