How we met- Steve Rogers

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The rain seemed to be coming down especially hard tonight. It was around 11:00pm and you were walking home after doing a double.

You could hear the sloshing of the water beneath your feet, creating splashes (which caused water to seep into your flats)

The wind was howling and you became more and more frustrated as it kept blowing your hood off your head.

"I'm gonna have to wait the storm out" You groan, approaching a nearby coffee shop. You walked in to see no one at the counter, but a man tied up in a corner. He starts to make noise when he sees you, desperately signaling you for help.

You look around for a second and decide to help him, dashing over there to untie the man.

You rip the tape off his mouth and untie the rope, nearly finishing when you hear footsteps behind you.

The once tied up man gasps and you slowly look to see a gun pointed straight at your head.

It takes you a second to register that you had unknowingly just walked into what was supposed to be a robbery.

"Now who do we have here?" The masked man asks, gun still pointed to your head. You begin to internally panic, eyes glued to the man while you sat frozen.

The man grabbed your hair and slug you to the other side of the room. You hit the ground semi- hard while groaning.

The man walked over to you and kicked you. Two minutes of beating landed you with an aching side and back, bruised up face, and a migraine coming on.

Just as it seems like the man was about to end your life- something came rushing through the doors, kicking the him and sending him flying through the shop.

He hit the wall and slid down, landing with a hard thump.

He was knocked out.

"Ma'am, are you alright?" A voice asked you. Of course, that voice was one that everyone knew.

You looked to see; "C-Captain America?" You asked in pure disbelief

"Call me Steve" He breathed out, picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder. He untied the rest of the man's ropes with his free hand and told him to go home.

He then paused for a second, looking outside and seeing cop cars sailing down the street.

"They'll deal with him" he mumbled.

The rain had lightened up and was now barely a drizzle. He walked out with you still over his shoulder.

"Um, Captain, I can walk" You said. Steve chuckled and let you down on the sidewalk.

You two stared at one another for a short period of time before you looked away sheepishly.

"Thank you so much, Captain, really" You said.

"Again, call me Steve. And no problem Miss....?" He trailed off, waiting for you to give your name

"Oh! My name is Y/N."

"Gorgeous name." He complimented. The cops arrived and Steve was now occupied with fan-girlish cops asking about what happened.

"The perp is inside, this is the victim" He said pointing at you

An ambulance came shortly after and Steve rode with you to the hospital.

"How bad do your bruises hurt?" He asked, getting rid of the silence.

"A lot" you said bluntly, shrugging.

Steve chuckled a bit, making you smile.

You never really noticed how cute his laugh was.

You guys arrived to the hospital and Steve announced he was about to leave.

"I'll come to check on you tomorrow" He said, waving as he ran off.

"Girl! How did you get Captain America to ride with you to the hospital?" One of the paramedics asked as they took you out the ambulance

"I don't know" You simply said


Sorry for mistakes ❤️

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