Caught- Loki Laufeyson

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You walked into the Avengers compound exhausted after having a mission. Your feet hurt and your body ached, you were feening for a hot bath. You took your jacket off and threw it on the counter.

The building seemed to be empty, which was odd.

"GUYS?" You yelled. No answer. You decided to call Sam and see where everyone went. As soon as you pulled out your phone, you felt a presence behind you.

You quickly pulled two guns out and turned to the stranger. But it was no stranger.

"Wow, you're pulling guns out on me? After all we've been through?" Loki asked, smirking. You sighed and put your weapons away.

"What are you doing here?" You asked, clearly annoyed. The God laid a hand on his chest as if he was offended, "Are you not happy to see me?"

"Loki, I don't have time for your games. What do you want?"

"Well, I'm technically here to visit my brother but...I'm more than happy to see you" He started to walk circles around you, making you tense up.

"Didn't Tony tell you that you weren't welcome here?"

"Which is why it's a surprise visit. But don't be alarmed, darling. I have no plans to take over or destroy anything. I'm merely here to visit my brother"

You raised an eyebrow in suspicion. There is no way he was just here to visit.

"Loki, you act as if you aren't the God of mischief. Why are you actually here?"

"To visit Thor" He shrugged. You gave him a threatening look and he chuckled

"Okay, maybe I want a few weapons I heard Tony Stark has possession of"

"I knew you weren't here to visit your brother" You shook your head in disappointment

"I mean, I was gonna say hi to him"

You walked off and Loki followed you
"Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get into his little invention room" He informed you

You rolled your eyes and walked into your room, Loki walked in after you

"You wouldn't happen to have the password to get in, would you?"

"It's locked by passcode, face recognition, fingerprint, and voice recognition" You told him, "So no, you won't be able to get in"

He sighed and plopped down on your bed

"Loki, get out"

"Why? I remember the days where you got excited at the sight of me laying in your bed"

Your face went hot with embarrassment, "I was young and stupid" you said

"It was 2 years ago y/n. You're still young and stupid"

You shot him a dirty glare.

"Loki, the avengers could be back at any time. They don't need to see you here"

"You know you want to, Y/n"

"No I don't" you responded, knowing what he was talking about.

"Oh come on darling, what's the harm in a quickie?" He asked.

He laughed at himself. But you found nothing funny.

"Loki, leave. I'm trying to take a bath"

"Well let me take one with you"

"Loki-" you started but stopped. He and you both knew you wanted to. You hadn't seen him in two years, and you really did want to feel him touch you again.

But it's risky. You could get in trouble if you guys were caught...

"Loki...what if we get caught? It's risky"

"That's what makes it fun"

You couldn't help but smirk at him, and before you knew it- you two were making out in a bath- surrounded by candles.

Unbeknownst to you, the avengers were coming home after accompanying Tony to a meeting.

"Who's jacket is that?" Bucky asked once everyone was in the building

"Looks like Y/N's" Nat said, examining the jacket

Thor clapped his hands and grinned, "She's back! Good, I've missed her"

Thor began his way to your room.

You and Loki were already moving on to your second position when he opened your bedroom door.

You had low music on, and was obviously too distracted to hear anyone come in.

"Is she playing music?" Thor asked, opening your bathroom door and seeing you and his brother in the act

"LOKI?" He nearly screamed. You and the God both jumped and you immediately covered your breast

"Thor! What did mother tell you about knocking?" Loki hissed

"Hey, what's what's wrong?" You heard Tony ask. He was soon staring at you just as Thor was

"ThAt'S wHaT mAkEs iT fUn" You mocked , making Loki roll his eyes at you

"Y/N, I thought I told you not to sleep with the god of mischief anymore" Tony said, crossing his arms

"Well, to be fair, I didn't plan on it" You said, "He was here to visit Thor"

Thor then looked at his brother, "Really?"

"Eh, more or less" Loki stated

Tony ordered you both to get out and put some clothes on, he then tried to make Loki leave

"Tony, you know, y/n is a grown up. She can make her own decisions" Loki said while being pushed out the door

"Not while she lives under my roof" Tony remarked, pushing Loki one good time. He stumbled out the door.

You sighed and walked outside, standing in front of Loki

"It was nice seeing you" You said. He laughed, "I'll be back soon. We can finish what we started"

He grabbed your chin and lifted it, kissing you passionately

"CAN YOU NOT KISS IN FRONT OF ME?" Tony yelled, making you two chuckle

"Bye" You spoke

"See you later, darling" and with that, he vanished in a puff of green smoke.

"You know you're in trouble, right?" Tony asked you once you walked back in

"Yeah yeah" You waved him off, making your way back into your room

Sorry for mistakes ❤️

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