JuneBug- Bucky Barnes

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Request from drinkmyyummyliquid

June 1941

I walked down the warm streets of Brooklyn, looking over my shoulder every two seconds. Mama always told me to never be out past midnight- it's not safe for women to be by themselves at night- especially black women.

I had been walking for 15 minutes and was not too far from my little house- I could see it from where I stood. I thought about running the small distance to my home but my feet ached terribly from the long shift I had just came back from.

Just as I was about to cross the street, I saw headlights speeding down the road. I panicked and just stood there frozen, scared of who may be in that car. I silently prayed that the people would just speed on past me- but of course, they stopped.

There were four white males in the car, most of them rowdy and young- around my age maybe.

"What's a pretty little girl like yourself doing out here at this time of night?" One of the men asks. I was embarrassed but knew to answer- for my safety.

Mama said that if I was ever to come cross a unruly white man- to do what he says. He knows he can get away with doing anything to me- so at least try and keep him happy so my chances of living go up.

"Just trying to make my way home" I answered. He nodded and smirked whilst looking back at his friends.

"How about we give you a ride?" Another man asked. I could tell who was the leader of their little pack. There was one with red hair who was talking earlier, one with jet black who just offered me a ride, and two with brown hair.

One of the brown haired boys gawked and licked his lips at me- the other frowned slightly while staring me up and down.

He had kind eyes. I presumed they were either green or blue- my only source of light was the street lights so I couldn't really tell.

"Well, I'm right cross the street from my house so I won't be needing no ride" I tell them. They kept insisting I get in the car but I kept saying no. Mama said do what they say but I wasn't gonna get in there.

I guess that got them a little irritated because suddenly I was a good-for-nothing n-word that should be beaten and killed.

I was scared, and I guess kind eyes sensed it because he tried to calm his friends down.

"Look guys, let's leave her alone." He said, smiling at me a little. His friends went back and forth with him until he decided to get out the car and walk me the rest of the way home. His friends called him an n-word lover and drove off- leaving us alone in the street.

"So sorry about them" He apologized, making me grin a little.

"No problem, I'm used to it. It's worse back where I come from" I told him.

"And where is that?"

"Mississippi" I informed him. We began the short walk back to my house. I told him a little about the south and he told me about life in Brooklyn.

"My best friend and I been here our whole lives. You should meet him- he'll love you" He said.

"Oh really? Well if your best friend is one of them in the car- I don't wanna meet em"

"Oh no, Steve's not a jackass like them. Trust me, you don't have to be afraid around us"

As we were almost to the house, I decided to be a little bold.

"My name's Y/N, what's yours?" I ask

"James, but my friends call me Bucky" He smiled

"And what do I call you?"

"You can call me Bucky- we're friends now"

I got butterflies and turned my face, trying to hide an embarrassed grin.

"Okay Bucky, how about you come by tomorrow for dinner? Just so I can say thank you for sticking up for me"

"Can I bring Steve?"

"Sure" I shrugged

"Great! We'll be here at 6:00 sharp!" He beamed. We arrived at my house and I thanked Bucky for his help. We smiled at each other for a little while before he planted a small kiss on my cheek and ran off yelling "6:00 SHARP".

That was the first time I met Bucky. He, Steve, and I spent the next two years together until they both ended up leaving for the War.

I didn't see him again until 1946- but he was no longer Bucky by then.

He was the winter soldier.

Sorry for mistakes ❤️

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