How we met- Vision

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"Call me if you need anything" Tony said to you as he walked out. This was your first day at the Avengers compound- and you were about to start decorating your room a bit.

"Okay, how about we put all the clothes up first" you mumbled to yourself while opening up your suitcase.

After a couple of minutes, all your clothes were folded and put into the drawers. You then grabbed your framed pictures and sat them on the dresser. You stared at the picture of you and your great grandfather- tearing up a bit but wiping the tears away while continuing what you were doing. Soon, your room was finished.

"Okay, I like this" you grinned, looking around and admiring the work you've done.

"Yes, I like it too" You heard a voice say. You jumped and turned around to see a robotic man standing by your door.

You held your chest, trying to calm down.

"Oh I'm so sorry, I forgot to use the door- didn't I?" he asked innocently

"Um, no worries. You must be Vision" You giggled. You walked to him and extended your hand. He took it and kissed it, making sure to keep eye contact with you.

"And you must be Y/N. Goodness, you're even more beautiful than Tony said you were" He admitted. You felt your ears get hot- signaling you were blushing.

"Thank you so much"

You invited him to sit on the bed as you two continued to talk

"How about I change into a more inviting form" He stated, changing into his human form. You smiled sweetly, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"What was wrong with your other form?" You asked curiously. Vision looked away, probably feeling a bit ashamed.

"Do you not think I look okay in this one?" He asked after a few seconds

"I think you look great in both" you admitted.

"Yes but, do I not look more normal while...looking like this?" He questioned

You sighed and placed your hand on his cheek. "I think you look normal either way honestly"

"You don't find it weird to be talking to an A.I?" He asked

"No, why would I find it weird?"

"Some people say it's a bit strange"

"Well, I'm not those people" you mentioned.

Vision looked into your eyes and said; "Y/n, you're certainly the kindest avenger I've ever run across"

You two laughed a bit before you responded

"Really? I'm nicer than Natasha? Or Steve?"

"Steve is a close second" He joked.

You two found yourselves so lost in one another's eyes that you didn't even notice you started to lean in. Just as your lips were nearly touching, the door opened revealing a shocked Sam.

"Am I interrupting something?" He asked, smirking.

"Wilson, why didn't you knock?" You asked

"My bad- but hey, if I didn't come in there probably would have been a whole other type of knocking in here. Vision would have been knocking your-"

"SAM" you interrupted. He shrugged and chuckled, "Tony wants you two downstairs" He said before closing the door. You sighed and looked back at Vision.

"I'm sorry" you apologized

"For what?" He asked

"For Sam ruining our moment". The both of you sighed. Vision kissed your cheek and stood up, leading you out the door.

Sorry for mistakes ❤️

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