How we met- Stephen Strange

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"Okay, let's try this house" You whispered to yourself, carrying your case of makeup.

You were a door-to-door make up sales woman- a job you hated.

You and your best friend, Yolanda, decided upon starting your own business and she claimed this was "how to get people knowing about our makeup".

It really seemed like this was a way to get yelled at by people.

You knocked on the door, waiting for someone to open it. After 2 minutes of waiting, you began to ring the doorbell. A few seconds passed by before a tall, black haired man opened the door.

"What?" He asked annoyed

You scrunched up your eyebrows but eased them when you remembered you needed to be nice in able for people to buy your stuff.

"Hello sir, my name is Y/N Y/L/N and I'm here to-"

"Not interested" he interrupted

You were taken aback by his tone but smiled through it "Okay, well would it be too much to ask if you could kindly recommend-"

"Again, not interested" he said, slamming the door in your face. Now, you were pissed off. You set your makeup case down and began ringing the doorbell for 30 seconds straight. You stopped when the man from before opened the door with an irritated look on his face

"No, I don't want whatever you're selling. Please leave" He said

"You didn't have to slam the door in my face" You argued with crossed arms. The man sighed- shaking his head and mumbling something under his breath.

"Ma'am, leave before I call the cops."

"And tell them what? A woman is confronting you after you were an absolute asshole to her?"

"No, tell them a crazy woman won't leave my property"

"I'm gonna leave, after I cuss you out for slamming the door in my face"

You spent the next 45 seconds cursing this random man out. He gasped at the some of the things you said- and blushed at others.

"And in conclusion, it takes nothing to be kind to someone. I'm just trying to get my business off the ground. I understand if I annoyed you, and I apologize for that, but what you did was rude" and with that, you picked up your case and walked away.

"You weren't even 10 feet away when the man yelled; "WAIT". You turned around and seen him reaching into his pocket and pulling money out. You walked back to the door and he handed you 10 hundred dollar bills. You couldn't believe it.

"Sir- sir this is-"

"A thousand dollars. I understand that's not much but I hope you can use it to support your business"

This was the most money you ever received at once. This could definitely help you and Yolanda.

Without thinking, you hugged the man tightly- kinda expecting for him to push you off. But, he hugged back.

"Thank you so much! Mr.....?" You trailed off

"Strange. Dr. Stephen Strange" He said

You smirked, "oooh, a doctor. Explains why you have a thousand dollars just sitting in your pocket"

He laughed at your joke and asked for your name- as he didn't catch it the first time.

"It's Y/N Y/L/N"

"Well Y/N, I hope to see your face on billboards one day" he smiled, you smiled too- playfully rolling your eyes.

"No I'm serious, I hope you get your business off the ground"

"Thank you! And I swear- your money will be put to good use"

You two exchanged goodbyes and you walked off, feeling him stare at you.

You smiled, knowing he was probably admiring your body.

Sorry for mistakes ❤️

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