Trust me- Natasha Romanoff

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"Can you please talk to me?" The ginger haired woman pleaded as you made your way to the kitchen. You were currently an hour into ignoring her, trying your hardest not to say a word.

"You're being very childish y/n" She remarked. You grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and turned to look her in the eye. With a stone faced expression, you shrugged and walked off.

"Y/n! We have to talk about this!"

Natasha was upset because you left the house without telling her. In your defense, you were going to buy her gifts for her birthday.

Natasha texted and called you a couple times, and you answered every text message and phone call. You were desperately trying to get her to understand that you were just out running some errands, she thought you were hiding something.

You ended up leaving the mall and going to the avengers compound so you could talk to Tony about allowing you to take some time off of missions. You were finally gonna hear Natasha out about getting pregnant.

She had been begging for you to consider going to the sperm bank. You two really wanted a child, but held off on it until after your wedding.

It's been almost six months since the ceremony and you were finally ready.

"So how much time off are we talking?" Tony asks, making you giggle. The avengers were you guys' biggest supporters, they loved you two together.

The man smiled brightly at you, taking your hand and squeezing it a little. You loved Tony like a big brother, and he loved you like a little sister.

"Well nine months is the average for most pregnancies" You pointed out, he rolled his eyes playfully.

"No missions for nine months? What are we gonna do without you?"

"Everything you were doing before I joined the team"

You two shared a laugh. Tony still had your hand in his. He grabbed your other hand and let one single tear run down his face.

"I'm so proud of you y/n. I love you, and I love Nat. Go ahead and start a family so we can have a mini avenger running around"

You two got up and hugged. It was a long lasting hug, one that held so much love and admiration.

Unbeknownst to you both, Nat was walking into the building, asking if anyone has seen you.

Bruce pointed her to the lab, saying you were talking with Tony.

She quickly ran down there to "catch" you and Tony hugging.

And what did she do? She overreacted.

It wasn't until you revealed what was going on that she calmed down and tried apologizing. You were pissed though, and left.

Now you were sitting on the couch with Nat still apologizing.

"Look, love I'm sorry. You know how I am, you know what I've been through" She said

You sighed out of frustration and finally spoke to her. "Following me around? Busting in the lab thinking I'm cheating on you? And with TONY of all people? Come on now Nat"

"You two are very close"

"He's like a brother to me! He walked me down the damn aisle." You nearly yelled. "I understand that you have trust issues and all that, but I think I've proven myself to be more than loyal to you."

You crossed your arms and turned away from her, feeling tears start to stream down your face.

"I'm sorry" she said again. You were tired of hearing that phrase from her.

"Say something else than 'I'm sorry' Nat"

Your wife thought for a while before putting a hand on your shoulder.

"I shouldn't have overreacted. I shouldn't have followed you. I shouldn't have accused you of cheating. And I know you don't wanna hear it, but I really am sorry. I love you, and I'm just afraid of losing you. You deserve so much more than me-"

"Stop saying that Natasha" You interrupt. "I love you, I wanna be with you forever. But baby you gotta trust me, I have yet to give you any reason as to why you can't trust me."

You turned to her and pulled her into a tight hug. "I accept your apology."

"I love you" She whispered

"I love you more"

Sorry for mistakes ❤️

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