Proposal- Steve Rogers

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Steve and I walked through the park just as the sun was setting. It was cool outside, as it was nearing mid November. Steve seemed nervous all day. His hands were a bit sweaty and his eyes twitched every few seconds.

I caught him glancing behind us a couple times which only made me paranoid.

"Baby, what's wrong? Are we hiding from someone? Somebody coming after us? Are we on the run or some shit?" I asked

He rolled his eyes playfully and looked down at me. "No, I'm just a little nervous"


He didn't answer me verbally, but pointed ahead. I took my eyes off him and looked in front of me. Sam and Bucky stood a ways away with what looked like suits on.

"Are they wearing suits?" I asked, squinting my eyes.

As we got closer, I realized both men were obviously hiding something behind their backs.

That's when I noticed no one was in the park besides us.

"Okaaaaay...y'all ain't finna kill me, right?" I half joked. Bucky and Sam chuckled while Steve looked around for something. As if on cue, we heard car tires screech and we all looked to the left to see Tony bolting out of his car.

"SORRY I'M LATE CAP" He yelled. He had on a nice suit as well.

"Okay, first of all- why are y'all in matching suits? Are y'all becoming an overly dressed boy band?"

"Shush" Tony said, rolling his eyes. He took a second to catch his breath then pulled a mini speaker out of his pocket.

"Fire and desire" started to play

"Hold up y'all, this my song" I rocked my hips slowly to the beat. Sam laughed at me and pulled a bouquet of flowers from behind his back. He gave them to me and I smiled. Bucky then revealed he was hiding a note behind his back. He cleared this throat and began reading out loud with the music playing lowly.

"A poem by Steve Rogers" he said making me laugh. "Many moons ago, I seen your face. I felt as if I was floating through space. Your lips so sweet and your eyes so kind, I was so deep in love that I lost my mind. You helped me find a new mentality, I was so happy you became my reality. The highest mountain is what I'd climb if with you I could spend the rest of my time. Forever with you is my main goal, You've captured my heart, body, and soul. You look beautiful in every hour, I love that you hold so much power." Bucky paused and seen me crying silently. He glanced behind me and kept going. "You'd fill my heart with so much glee is you would just...."

They all pointed behind me and I turned around to see Steve on one knee. I gasped and covered my mouth, tears streaming from my face.

"Marry me?" He asked quietly. He had a nervous grin on his face. I couldn't get a word out so I just hugged him and nodded my head.

"SHE SAID YES" Bucky, Sam, and Tony screamed. I wiped my eyes and gave my fiancé a plethora of kisses and hugs.

The boys hugged us and jogged away, getting in Tony's car.

"Mrs. Rogers" I whispered to him, "Has a ring to it"


Sorry for mistakes ❤️

Y'all peeped how I included the infinity stones into the poem? 👀

Anyways, anybody got any recommendations for avengers bwwm stories? 🧍🏾‍♀️ I'm running low on stuff to read LMAO 😂

Or just any good avengers x reader stores?

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