Miscommunication- Bucky Barnes

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Steve and I had been close ever since I joined the team. He was genuinely like my best friend and I loved hanging out with him. He introduced me to Sam and we three would be around each other all the time...

Then, Bucky came along..

Once we cleared hydra's programmed trigger words from his brain (thanks to me) Tony allowed him to fully live in the tower.

Steve and I shared a room (considering his room is huge) until he insisted I take the empty room down the hall and allow Bucky to stay with him.

I understood. Bucky was his oldest friend and he wanted to be there to calm him down in case he had a nightmare.

It was cool. I didn't mind having my own space. It didn't start getting bad until I would try to speak to Bucky and he would either stare at me like he was gonna kill me or just simply roll his eyes and walk away.

Like...tf did I do to you?

Overtime Steve, Sam, and I would incorporate Bucky into our little outings and traditions. For example, we would all meet up in Sam's room for a movie night at least once a week (if none of us was on a mission). On one particular movie night, we asked Bucky to choose a movie. He chose 'Snow White'.

So, we were all lounging around, eating and watching the movie. The scene where the evil Queen is disguised as the old lady pops up and Bucky decides to say;

"Oh, y/n I didn't know you made a cameo in this movie"

Sam and Steve thought it was hilarious. I didn't have a comeback right then so I just rolled my eyes and kept watching the movie.

When it was over, Steve suggested we watch another movie. Sam and I quickly said we wanted to watch "The Princess and the Frog". I loved Princess Tiana because she was depicted as a strong, independent, and hardworking woman who looked like me. Sam loved the movie because it set place in Louisiana (where he's from). Steve learned to love the movie as much as we did so he happily put it on.

Bucky hadn't seen it yet, so he was a bit skeptical but was obviously loving it so far.

The movie ended without him making any snark comments about me so it was all good, until;

"Y/n, next movie night try not to chew your food so loud. I could barely hear"

He wore the same smirk he always did whenever he made fun of me. I couldn't stand him.

"Whatever Bucky" I said, trying not to stoop to his level

"And don't sit in front of the tv anymore. Your head's not particularly small, I couldn't see"

"James, you're over 100 years old. Don't blame me for your bad ass eyesight"

Sam bursted out laughing and Steve tried not to laugh, turning red in the process.

Bucky was also getting a bit flushed, but of course- he had something else to say

"You always have a smart ass remark" The super soldier complained. He pulled a hair tie from his pocket and tied his hair back into a man bun.

"Uh oh, you know it's real when he ties his hair back" Sam teased, "Y/n, I think he wants all the smoke"

"Please, old ass super soldier or not, he don't want these problems"

"You need to be put in your place" Bucky mumbled. He got a confused look from Steve but a smirk from Sam.

"James, don't get hit" I said

"Who said you can call me James?" He asked

"Who said you can come at me with this funk ass attitude?"

"I treat you how you treat me"

"I don't go around staring and rolling my eyes at you Bucky. I don't know why you have a problem with me"

"Maybe it's because you threw away the flowers I got you." He shrugged

I scrunched my eyebrows and crossed my arms. I had no idea what the hell he was talking about.

"What are you talking about?"

"Around the time you got the trigger words out my head! I bought you flowers to say thank you and you threw them away- didn't even read the card that went along with them"

I thought back to around six months ago, and I remembered seeing flowers with a card that had my name on it on the kitchen counter. Bucky was in the kitchen as well. At the time, I just had an awful break up. I thought the flowers were from my ex, so I didn't even think to open the card and read it. I just ignored it and threw the flowers away. Threw them away right in front of Bucky

Now that I think about it... that's around the time he started acting weird towards me.

"Bucky I'm so sorry" I said, feeling horrible. "I had just broken up with a really bad guy and I thought he sent the flowers. I should have looked at the card, I'm sorry" I apologized again

Bucky cracked a small smile and nodded, "I'm sorry for holding a grudge for so long."

"So y'all had beef over a miscommunication?" Sam questioned with an annoyed expression. Bucky rolled his eyes before giving Sam the finger.

"So the rivalry is over? You guys are cool now?" Steve asked

Bucky and I met at a gaze. He noticeably blushed while my face started to heat up. Bucky had always been sexy to me, but he was being so much of an asshole that I never got to make a move.

"Aww Steve, they're staring at each other" I heard Sam say. Bucky and I tuned him out though, still keeping that gaze on one another.

This was one of those times where I wish I could read minds. I wondered what he was thinking about.

I don't think he hated me anymore, so that's a plus.

A random flash went off and knocked Bucky and I out our thoughts. We both turned to see Sam taking pictures of us.

"SAM!" I exclaimed while hiding my face

"I'm just taking pictures for memories to show you guy's kids. I'm also taking pictures for proof because Tony and I were betting that you two would get together"

"We aren't together though" I shrugged

Bucky nodded in agreement

Sam sighed dramatically, "Can you two please stop being stubborn and just start dating so Steve and I can get nieces
and nephews?"

"Sam, please" Steve warned.

We all ended up saying our goodnights and headed out of Sam's room to go to bed.

I was in my room about to get under the covers until a knock was heard at my door. I answered it and seen Bucky standing there with a goofy grin plastered on his face.

"We have months to make up for, why don't we continue this movie night?"

"Sure" I answered, maybe too quickly.

I allowed him in and we spent hours watching movies while cuddled up on the couch.


Sorry for mistakes ❤️

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