Jealous- Tony Stark

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Tony was laid back when it came to most things- you were not one of those things.

He was overprotective when it came to you. Didn't like when you went out alone, questioned all your male friends, and insisted that he was the only man you needed in your life (besides male family members).

You were with none of that shit.

You kept all your male friends and made new ones- specifically ones that were apart of the Avengers.

He secretly hated when Cap made you laugh or when Thor brought you flowers from Asgard.

When Bucky helped you train, when Bruce asked you to help him in the lab or when Sam offered to cook dinner with you.

When Loki joined you in the library or when Clint helped you to learn Archery.

Hell, even when Vision asked you to educate him on "the art of reality television".

All of those things were friendly gestures, and Tony knew it. He trusted you and his team, loved you all very much and he knew that love reciprocated. But, he just got jealous sometimes.

His problem was, when he got jealous- he wanted to make you feel exactly what he felt.

He would have very attractive women walk around the compound, following him and claiming to be their "mentor".

You would see this and be seething. He would clearly be flirting with them, very so often looking you in the eye and smirking.

He thought it was a game. He just didn't know you could play it so much better.

So, one day after one of his "protégés" left, you let the games begin.

An hour prior, you had all the men agree to help you make Tony jealous. Cap and Bruce protested at first (Thor and Sam was with it from the jump).

All of them eventually agreed to harmlessly flirt to make your man jealous. So the plan was in motion.

"Baby? Baby where are you?" You heard Tony call from outside the lab. You were with Bruce at the moment. You two were quietly working on experiments but began a conversation as soon as Tony walked in.

"So yes, the end solution should be a green, sticky substance" You said

Bruce smiled and looked at you, "It's such a reliever to be around a person so smart- so helpful" He said. He put a hand on your shoulder and his smile grew.

You didn't even attempt to look at Tony but you knew he was staring at you.

"Well, thank you for the help y/n. I know you like to the get dinner started around this time" You nodded and left the lab with Tony hot on your tail.

"What the fuck was that?" He asked

"What was what?"

"That! With Bruce. Why were you guys looking at each other like that?"

You ignored him and walked into the kitchen. Sam was already there with the ingredients for chili laid out. He smirked when he saw you.

"Y/n, I got out all the stuff for your world famous chili"

"I see, thank you Sammy" You got on your tip toes and kissed him on the cheek.

That isn't uncommon. You gave everyone on the team kisses on the cheek. Especially after they all returned from dangerous missions.

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