How they say they're sorry

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Steve- He allows you to take a few hours to yourself before coming to you and begging for forgiveness. He then hugs you and kisses your forehead- reminding you that you're the best thing to ever happen to him.

Bucky- Walks around angry for a little while before calming down and going to the bakery to pick up a batch of your favorite red velvet cupcakes. He would then go to the store to pick you up a drink. Then, he would surprise you with it. Once he presented you with the stuff, he would sincerely apologize.

Tony- Just as stubborn as you are. Y'all would go a while without talking to each other but he would finally cave in and set up a nice dinner for you. He would then apologize while expressing how much he loves you.

Stephen- Decides to get you a bouquet of flowers and writes a heartfelt apology. He has an amazing way with words and you could never stay mad at him.

Natasha- Doesn't let the issue marinate. As soon as she notices you getting extremely angry or emotional- she apologizes right then and there.

Thor- Takes a quick trip to Asgard and brings back a basket of their best fruits and deserts for you to enjoy. He then admits that he was wrong and asks for your forgiveness.

Peter- If you guys aren't together at the moment, he'll call you and won't let you hang up until you guys talk through whatever the problem was. He'll acknowledge how he was wrong, apologize, and explain why he felt the way he did.

Vision- Just like Nat, he doesn't allow the problem to marinate. He'll quickly say he's sorry and give you a much needed hug.

Wanda- She would usually turn on an old TV show and bring in snacks. You'll try and ignore her until something funny comes up in the show and you both laugh. Once the ice is broken, she'll grab your hand and apologize.

Loki- He's tricky. He would usually see that you're upset and say things like; "So now you're angry at me?" Or "Are you seriously gonna act this way?" Which only makes you angrier. After a while, he'll bring you into his lap and stare into your eyes while apologizing. He'll then hug you tightly for a while.

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