Chapter 1

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Jackal's POV

I was wandering around in the forest. Damn that Kyouka.

-Flash back-

I had walked through the halls in the cube. And I was still angry after being beaten by Natsu. When I get my hands on them, they will pay for what they did. "JACKAL" A loud voice echoed through the corridor. Kyouka. I could feel a shiver down my spine. I'm dead, was all that went through my mind. I could see her figure approaching.

"How dare you make Tartaros look weak!?" She screamed and you could almost see smoke coming out from her ears. "You are now banished from Tartaros for two whole months. Any objections!?"

"No, o-of c-course not m-ma'am" I stammed.

-End of flashback-

Now here I was, in the middle of the forest, all alone.

"I'm so damn bored!" Just then I could hear a familiar scream. A girls scream. I remember this scream. He smirked, the scream belonged to no other than the blond girl who fought side by side with the pink haired idiot. Lucy Heartfilia. This will be fun.

Lucy's POV

I was out on a solo mission because I need to pay rent and Natsu just HAD to catch a cold. Stupid Natsu. I told him he shouldn't have challenged Gray on a ice-eating contest and then jump into the ice-box. When he was injured from the battle against that Tartaros member. What an idiot. I though.(AN:It was a really big box with ice) The job was capturing some bandits, easy enough. BUT, It seems that the bandits were incredibly strong mages. And here I am, tied to a stupid tree with creepy bandits smiling at me. No, not smiling, GRINNING. I thought sarcastic. Then the boss locked like he got an idea. This can't be good. "You look cold, should I warm you up?" It wasn't a question. Before I could answer fire came from his hand and hit her left arm.

"KYAAAA" When he heard my scream the grin the men had became wider.

"My turn" Said another man and his hand where covered in lightning. I closed her eyes and waited for the pain, but it never came.

"WHO ARE YOU?" I heard a man scream, and I slowly opened my eyes. And they widened when I realized who the person in front of me was.

"Explode" He spoke, and the ground around the bandits exploded. The man in front of me was no other man, or demon, Jackal. One of the nine demongates of Tartaros.

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