To love an idiot

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Me: This is the last chapter of A Ticking Bomb!

Jackal: Why are you so happy all of the sudden?

Me: Just happy to meet you guys that's all, and I just saw the new intro. And you're in it. *Fangirlscream

Jackal: So? What's the big deal?

Me: Do you have any idea how long I have waited for you to finally show up in the series?

Jackal: I don't know, maybe since you saw me in the manga for the first time?

Me: Exactly, you were so cool when you destroyed the cuncil.

Jackal: I just wish everyone would think like that.

Me: Enough, let's continue the story.

Me and Jackal: Enjoy!

Jackal's POV

After yesterdays 'incident' me and Lucy agreed to stay at the hotel for another night. She is currently sleeping while I am on my way towards the train station. I told her yesterday that I would leave early to meet up with Jacy when she comes home from her mission with Natsu and Gray. I just hope that she'll be okay on her own. After all, she has a bad habit of getting into trouble.

Lucy's POV

I woke up when the sunlight hit my eyes. And since it is almost impossible to sleep with sunlight shining right at your eyes I decided it was time to start getting ready for the day. I got up and started getting dressed.

It was only 7am so the town was as good as empty. There were only a few people out, I think they were on their way to their jobs. When I finally reached the train station I saw something I didn't expect to see. A little red exceed, sleeping on a bench, alone. I walked up to it and poke it lightly, but it seemed to be enough to wake him up.

"Huh? Where am I? Who are you?" He asked.

"You are at the train station and my name is Lucy" I said. He looks so familiar.

"Wait! What! That can't be true, I remember being with Sting. Then I got tired and fell asleep on his shoulder and then... and then..."

"Wait, did you say Sting? As in Sting Euclife?"

"Yep, Sting-kun is the best" So that's why I recognized him, he's Stings exceed. But why would he leave his exceed here?

"But why would he leave you here?" I asked. Then it seemed like he finally understood the situation he was in. He started to ot up and started getting dressedth sunlight shining right at your eyes i fly around in cirkels like a mad... cat? Well either way he looked like he was crazy.

"Hey, calm down. I can help you look for him"

"Really!?" He asked with tears streaming down his face. How could I say no?

"Yeah, sure. Do you have any idea where he could be?" Please don't say what I thing you'll say.

"Sabertooth! We were on our way to Sabertooth when i fell asleep" Noo, can this get any worse. My thoughts were interrupted when the little exceed suddenly started to study my face closely.

"What are you doing?" I asked nervously.

"Hey, you're that girl that ran into Sting yesterday, right? Why were you crying yesterday? Did you have a fight with your husband or something?" What? Was Sting the one I ran into yesterday? Oh, god. I knocked down Sabertooths master! How am I going to face him.

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