Chapter 16

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Jackal's POV

I was running through the forest with a unconscious Lucy in my arms. She had serious injuries and was bleeding badly. The mission was supposed to be easy, but apparently we didn't know the bandits were some powerful S-class mages.


I was separated from Lucy after her crazy mermaid spirit washed us away with the bandits. Now I was wheat, tired and irritated. Then suddenly I heard a scream that almost made me jump, Lucy. I ran as fast as my legs could muster, and when I finally reached my destination (AN: I sound like a GPS) my eyes widened at the sight before me. Lucy was laying on the ground, hurt, two men was standing next to her and between those men was someone I recognized. Lamy. I just stood there frozen. What is she doing here?

"Jackal! I knew you would come back to me"

"Why are you here?" I asked her coldly. "And WHAT are you doing to Lucy?" Now I was really angry, how dare she hurt her?

"You mean this girl? Kyouka told me to kill her, but she is not dead. Yet" After she said that I quickly stepped in front off her in a protective pose.

"I will not let you touch her" My voice almost sounded like a growl.

"Why are you taking her side? ARE YOU BREAKING UP WITH ME!?"

"We were never together! And I'm taking her side because... I owe her"

"No that's not it" Just then her eyes widened like someone had killed her cat or her sister.

"You love her!?" Where did that come from?

"No! Yes! Maybe... I don't know" I started to blush. Wait! Why was I blushing!? The bandits looked confused and I could easily tell they had no idea what was going on.

"She stole your heart! Unforgivable! Get her! Kill her! MURDER HER!" Ok, now she has totally lost it.

"I won't let you! Etherias form!" I could feel my body changing into my etherias form, my true form.

"What! That Kyouka chick never told us we had to fight a freaking demon!" One of the guys in front off me screamed as I lunged towards them. Then my mind went black, the next thing I knew was that I stood in front of two dead bodies and Lamy who screamed at me I was expelled from Tartaros and the feeling of my guildmark disappearing.

-End of flashback-

Now here I was. Running towards the only people I knew who could help her. Fairy tail. When I finally got there I didn't even hesitate. I kicked the door open with such power people all over town should have been able to hear me.

Levy's POV

I was sitting at the guild as usual when the doors suddenly burst open, revealing no other than Jackal. What's that idiot doing here? Natsu will kill him. Then I saw the unconscious-bleeding Lucy in his arms. I looked at Erza who had stopped eating and requiped into her heavens-wheel armor. But she wasn't the first one to break the silence.

"What have you done to Lucy!?" A certain fire dragonslayer shouted while he was surrounded by fire.

"She was hurt during her mission, now where's the infirmary!?" He shouted back with hurt in his voice.

"Liar! Why would you help her! You don't ever know he-"

"NATSU! That's enough! Levy take them to the infirmary! Wendy, go with Levy and heal Lucy" Erza shouted and surrounded Natsu with her swords so he couldn't attack Jackal and hurt Lucy even more. I nodded and showed him to the infirmary. And as we began to make our way there I could hear Natsu screaming about Jackal being evil... that is, until Erza knocked him out. I hope Lucy will be ok.

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