Broken heart

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Me: I'm Back!

Lucy: I thought you had finished this story T.T

Me: I had, but since I took so long to update I decided to publish 2 extra chapters to this story.

Jackal: So are going to continue on the last adventure?

Me: No, I am not. Actually I am going to write what you could call 'bonus material'. Like the 'Fairy tail episode 202 Welcome home, Frosh'.

Natsu: So someone is going to get lost and try to come home?

Lucy: No, she means she is going to write small stories. For example, in one chapter me and Jacy could go on a mission and some stuff happens, and in the next one could be about something else. Got it?

Natsu: So Jacy is going on a mission?

Jackal: How stupid can you get?

Lucy: It is Natsu we're talking about.

Natsu: What's that supposed to mean!?

Me: I do not own Fairy Tail.

Everyone except Natsu: Enjoy!

Lucy's POV

"AAAAAAAA!" I screamed as the giant chimera chased after me. I don't know how long I have been running and honestly I don't care as long as I don't get eaten. How did it end up like this?


"Hey Luce! Let's go on a job, Jacy accompanied Natsu and Gray on their job so she won't be back for a while" Jackal said as he approached me. I looked at the job request and read it carefully.

Help us defeat a demon that is terrorizing our village.

We don't have much information but it mostly show up at night.

Reward: 1 200 000 Jewel.

"It's strange that the client doesn't seem to know anything. What do you think Jacka-" I stopped in midsentence when I realized we were already on the train. When did we get here?

"JACKAL! WHY ARE WE ALREADY ON THE TRAIN!?" I screamed at him, which seemed to be enough to make him flinch.

"Well you see" He started as he smiled awkwardly and rubbed the back of his head "you were to focused reading the job request you didn't even realize I carried you here, bought tickets and dragged you on board" Well I guess it is my own fault for spacing out. I thought.

The rest of the ride was quiet, Jackal had fallen asleep before the ride had even started. So I took the opportunity to continue reading a book that Levy had lent to me, it was a story about some kid named Eragon. (AN: I LOVE THAT BOOK!)

-Timeskip- (Still flashback)

"Next stop, Crocus!" The speakers called, so I closed the book and walked over to where Jackal were sitting.

"Jackal, it's time to wake up" No reaction.

"We are going to end up somewhere else if we stay" Still, no reaction.

"You are going to miss lunch" Nothing. Ok, you asked for it.

"Hey, honey. I forgot to tell you earlier, I'm pregnant" That seemed to do it, because the next thing I knew he jumped up and bumped his head right into the roof before collapsing onto the floor. Out cold. *Sight It doesn't seem like I have a choice. I thought as I lifted him, and I have to admit, he is heavier than he looks. The streets were full of people, as usual. So it took a while before I finally managed to find a hotel that weren't fully booked (AN: Is that how you say it?)

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