Chapter 19

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Me: God, I'm so bored

Lucy: Why?

Me: Because I have nothing to do.

Natsu: Don't you have any friends?

Me: Of course I have! Didn't Lucy kick you out?

Natsu: I can swim you know.

Lucy: Natsu, get out! *surrounded by a murderous aura*

Natsu: Aye!

Me: Finally, let's continue the story shall we?

Lucy's POV

-Timeskip 6 months-

I sat at the bar in the guild and drinking my usual strawberry smoothie. The war against Tartaros was finally over. And no one were to much hurt, but something weird is that everyone now accepted Jackal as one of us. He is no longer the terrifying demon of Tartaros, he's Jackal a proud member of Fairy tail. He's also my boyfriend. But lately he's been acting strange, he's been spending the night with the other boys and rarely talk to me. I looked at him, only to see him talking to Natsu. They've actually become good friends. I snapped out of my thoughts when Jackal approached me.

"We need to talk" He said seriously and led me out of the guild. What does he want to talk about? Is he going to break up with me? Does he not love me anymore? My mind was almost exploding.

"Lucy" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked around, we were in the forest.

"Luce we need to talk" I looked up at him and he looked very serious. I nodded, to tell him to continue.

"Lucy you are the first woman I have ever loved. You are the sun that lights up my world. You are the one that made me understand the value of friendship and love. Even though I were one of the most dangerous creatures in Fiore, you led me out of the darkness. You are the one and only woman that I love. What I am trying to say is" He kneeled down one knee "will you marry me?" I couldn't hold back anymore. Tears streamed down my face.

"Oh, yes!" I lunged myself at him and gave him a huge hug. It was perfect, we stood there, in the forest, thinking about all the things that have happened. In the moonlight you could see Jackal's yellow guildmark, and I knew why he wanted it that color. My hair, or should I say our hair. From now on our lives would change, it would never be the same. We will not just be 'together', from now on we will be a happy family.

-Time skip 10 years-

It's been nine and a half year since Jackal and I were married and everything is practically the same. Well except- "Mommy! Let's go to the guild!" Jacy screamed. Jacy is my daughter, Jackal is the father of course. She had long blond hair like me and ears and a tail like her father. She is always happy and full of energy. She is just like me and doesn't sleep for to long but she eats like Natsu. I don't know if I should be scared or not. She has explosion magic (AN: Like Jackal's curse but magic) but she can't use the etherias form yet, she can also use celestial magic.

"Yeah, but only if you promise not to pick a fight with Romeo" Oh, I almost forgot. She also likes to pick fights, she is just like Gray and Natsu used to be. But with Romeo, I guess Natsu were the wrong one to look up to.

"I'm not the one who picks fights, he is the one who starts it!"

"So you have never started a fight before?" I asked sarcastically.

"Well sometimes" I giggled.

"Thought so. Well then let's go, I am sure your father already is there"

"Okay" She is so carefree. Reminds me of how I were at the time I joined Fairy tail. On the way to the guild I though of all the things that have happened. But I snapped out of my thoughts when-



"DON'T CALL ME KITTY ASHBRAIN" There they go again. *sight* I wish they could just grow up. I walked over to the bar to talk to Natsu and Gray who were going to start a drinking contest.

"Really, another competition? It's bad enough you have taught the small ones to act like idiots. Mira take away the alcohol at once" I scolded them as Mira came and took the alcohol to Cana instead who was challenging Laxus.

"HEY! WE'RE NOT IDIOTS!" The idiots shouted in unison.


"I meant you have a bad influence on Romeo and Jacy" I said as a pointed in their direction. "They're acting like you have acted since... well, since always" How long have they acted like this anyway? Well as long as I have known them they have been idiots.

"What do you mean 'bad influence'?" Natsu asked.

"Well Romeo has always looked up to you and Jacy has looked up to Gray and because you are acting like idiots they are acting like idiots thinking that's how they should act" I explained to them, they seemed a little angry that I called them idiots though.

"WE'RE NOT IDIOTS!" They screamed in unison. Again.


"BRING IT ON STRIPPER!" There they go again. I sweat dropped. Are they ever going to grow up? Suddenly I heard a explosion behind me, I turned around only to see that Romeo and Jacy has started to use magic in their brawl. That is, until Erza saw them.

"You two stop fighting" she glared at them.

"Sorry Erza" they said. It was weird, they weren't afraid of her but Natsu and Gray were. I wonder what happened in their past. On second thought, I don't think I want to know the past is the past. I looked at every ones happy faces, even Jackal. He was talking to Mira and Lisanna at the moment, he looked like he always known them. Well, I guess Fairy tail is that kind of place. A place were everyone are friends, everyone are family. And I am happy to be a part of such a good family.

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