Chapter 5

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Kyouka’s POV


Why hasn’t that pathetic cat come back yet? I wonder what his up to, he should have come back and begged for mercy by now. Were is he?

“Kyouka!” I turned around just to see a worried Lamy.


“Jackal is gone. I can’t find him anywhere, is he hiding from me?” And I couldn’t just lie to her, She was like the dotter I never had.

“I told him he was banished for two months but I though he would have come back to beg me for mercy by now. So truth to be told I don’t know where he is” And I could clearly see that she was panicking.

“What! What if he doesn’t come back! Or if he falls in love with someone else, then he will never be mine!” I sweat dropped. She sure has a huge fantasy. Hasn’t she realized that he doesn’t have feelings for her.

“Don’t worry, I don’t think that will happen. I’m sure he is just sitting somewhere alone in the woods”

“You think?” She gave me the ‘puppy eyes’.

“Yes” At least I hope so. Cause who knows what will happen if he interacts with the humans.


Lucy’s POV


I was chatting with Levy about a new book when the doors suddenly burst open. Revealing no others than Natsu and happy. I really hope they doesn’t know about Jackal.


“Yeah” Crap.

“I have something important to ask you”

“What is it?” I’m dead. He came closer with a serious look on his face.



“Why did you go on a mission without me?” He whined like a little kid. Thank god. He don’t know.

“Sorry, Natsu. But you were sick and I needed money to pay my rent” I replied, still relieved that he doesn’t know that I live with a demon. Just then he’s face came closer, and he sniffed me. He SNIFFED me, was he some kind of freaking dog?

“What are you doing” I admit that it was creepy. And I know what creepy is.

“Luce, why do you smell like that bomb-freak?” Crap, he noticed. Wasn’t he supposed to be dense or something? What should I say?

“What? How am I supposed to know. I maybe picked up his… scent, when I was out on that mission or something” I lied, and he looked convinced.

“Ok, see yah Luce!” He then ran away after Gray to pick up a fight. I sighted and started to head home. And when I stepped inside I immediately saw that the so-called-terrifying-demon was eating candy in the kitchen like a little kid. I giggled at the thought, maybe this won’t be that bad.

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