Chapter 8

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Jackal's POV


I was still sitting on the chair when blondie was saying goodbye to her friend.  But before she left I could hear her whisper, "Oh, and by the way. I think that you two would make a cute couple". And when she had said that I could se that the blond was blushing,

"Are you ok? You're face is all red" Why was she blushing? Did she like me? No that can't be true, she deserve better. Wait! Why do I care? Ugh, forget it.

"Sh-shut up"  Why was she stuttering. But I just shrugged it of and began once again to eat the candy.


Lucy's POV


"Hey, I've been wondering" He stopped eating and locked at me confused.

"Why do you love candy so much?"

"It's because I have never ate it before" First I locked at him to se if he was joking, but no. So he has never ate candy before? That's crazy!

"Anything else you have never tried before?" Cause if he hasn't tasted candy then he must have missed much. I thought.

"Actually, there are many things I haven't tried yet. We only got bread and water at Tartaros, but we eat hot dogs or pizza at special celebrations"

"Then I know what I will cook for dinner" It was perfect, I'm sure he will love what I will cook for him. I nearly started crying of joy.

"What?" He quickly turned around and stared at me with exited eyes. I actually feel sorry for him. It's just like he have never had a normal life.

"It's a surprise" I told him and walked to the kitchen, he followed me to the kitchen and took a seat at the table waiting patiently. I started mixing the ingredients and after about half an hour, it was ready.

"Done, now you can eat" I told him. He carefully observed the food, like it was poisoned.

"What is it?" Seriously?

"It's called pancakes. It is delicious, here, try one" At first he locked suspicious, but then he carefully took a bite. Finally, I though. And before I new it he started to eat like Natsu.

"You were right, it was delicious" He locked like a happy little kid who got his first bike. I giggled at the though of that.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing, really. It's late, you should go to bed. Don't worry I can take care of the dishes"

"Ok, but I'm not a little kid you know" Then he left the kitchen and walked towards his room. But he sure acts like one. I continued with the dishes, until I heard a sound coming from the living room. I put down the plate I was dishing and hurried to my living room, and my body froze when I saw who was there.

"Yo, Luce!" The people in front of me where no others than Gray, Erza, Natsu and Happy. My team. I am so dead.

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