Chapter 18

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Lucy: Hey, what's wrong?

Me: I can't think of a good name for your daughter.


Me: Calm down, I know that. At least not yet *evil eyes-anime style*

Natsu: Who's Lucy going to marry!?

Jackal: Me of course. Who else?

Me: How did you get here?

Natsu and Jackal: Through the door.


Natsu and Jackal: No. Now it is a boys place.

Me: Lucy.

Lucy: Got in. LUCY KICK! *the boys flies out of the door and lands somewhere in the ocean*

Me: I do not own Fairy Tail, if I did then Jackal would be a Fairy Tail member in the series by now.

Jackal's POV

How should I tell him? I can't just say: Well, I couldn't because I kinda' fell in love with her. That would be considered a death wish.

"Well, I was going to in the beginning" Lucy froze and her eyes widened but I chose to ignore it "but then I became her friend and everything changed. If I got an order to kill her now I shouldn't be able to do it". After I said that I smelled salt. Tears? Then I saw that Lucy were crying and the 'old man' had tears in the corners of his eyes. Geez, are all of these humans crybabies?

"Hey, master. I was wondering if Jackal maybe could join the guild?" My jaw fell to the ground and I looked at her with a 'are-you-serious' look.

"Well, he hasn't done anything too bad" (AN: In this fanfiction it was Kyouka who destroyed the castle and no one were hurt during the fight between Natsu and Jackal). "So why not. Were do you want your stamp?" I were still confused, They accept me? Just like that? After everything I have done?

"Wait, you're just going to accept me?"

"Yeah, is there a problem?"

"No. And I would like to have the mark at the same spot as my previous guild mark" The old man. Makarov I think. Handed the stamp to Lucy who came up to me with a smile on her face and stamped me.

"Welcome to the guild!" She smiled. Maybe this won't be so bad. All three of us walked out of the door, my new master first.

"Listen up brats. We have a new recruit, Jackal, a former Tartaros member. But let's put the past behind and welcome him Fairy tail-style! Let's party!" I was still in shock. Why did they just accept me. Heck, I have even tried to kill their members just a month ago, and they're acting like it never happened. I smiled. Looks like I finally have something to live for.

Lucy's POV

I saw that Jackal was smiling. It's good to now that he's happy.

"Listen! I have one more announcement to make! We have been requested by Mes- I mean Doranbolt to destroy Tartaros! The ones that will go will be: Erza, Natsu, Gray, Juvia, Mira, Elfman, Lisanna, Gajeel, Levy, The thunder legion, Wendy and of course Happy, Carla and Lily! You will leave in three hours so hurry up!"

"Wait! Why can't I come along?!" I don't get it, I always get to come along on these missions.

"Lucy I didn't choose you because you are injured, and Jackal you will stay with her" I don't complain to that, it's true I am injured. And it won't be that bad having Jackal to watch over me.

"Stop talking! I want to go now! Let's beat up some demons!" I sweat dropped. How can Natsu be so hyperactive all the time?

"I agree with Natsu! Let's beat them up and get this over with!" Gray to?

"Well then let's go now if everyone agrees with it" Oh, no. If Erza is exactly like Natsu and Gray then...

-Wild fantasy-

Erza is standing above a mountain of demons, rising her sword and screams:

"Come on! I need more blood! Give me more sacrifices!"

-End of wild fantasy-

I shivered. How could I just imagine that!? I carefully looked at Erza. She wouldn't do that would she? I quickly put the though aside, mostly because I didn't want any nightmares.

"You okay?" Jackal asked concerned.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just want to go home" I felt an arm around my hip, I looked up only to see Jackal smirking.

"I can walk by my self you know" I said, or more like demanded.

"Well, I don't want you to fall and hurt you even more. So whatever you like it or not I am going to help you" I pouted. I didn't give up I just didn't want to argue. Now when I have been by his side this long I can't even imagine a life without him. I am glad that I have him in my life.

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