Chapter 4

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Jackal's POV

I'm bored. I took a glance at the blonde in front of me. She was writing something, and I let my curiosity take over. I walked over to her so I stood behind her and took a glance at the paper. She is actually a good writer. It looks like she's writing about all of her adventures in fairy tail. 'And then the giant mole was chasing me through the mud and tried to make me his mate' What the heck has this blonde gone through (AN: If you don't know what I mean watch episode 201).And why were I angry? I shouldn't care about a perverted mole. She then yawned, stood up, and began to walk to the kitchen.

"You want breakfast?"

"Yeah, sure" I replied and followed her to the kitchen, when I had taken a seat in the kitchen she started cooking pancakes. So, what should I do? Should I just kill her? Should I torture her? Or should I-

"What are you thinking about?" She asked, I then snapped into reality only to se her sitting in front of me and that the food was ready.

"Oh, nothing important" I replied and an awkward silence fell upon us, that is until blondie spoke up.

"So, I've been wondering. Who's Lamy, and who's Tempesta?" Ok, now I was confused

"How do you now their names?"

"On the train yesterday, you called me Lamy and told me to go and disturb Tempesta instead"

At that comment I started blushing. I am a total idiot. And why am I blushing? What is this girl doing to me?

"They are two of the demongates. And Lamy always bothers me in the mornings so I tell her to bother Tempesta instead" Why am I telling her this?.

"Ok, is that why you left?"

"No, it isn't. And I don't want to talk about it." I said and went to my room.

Lucy's POV

What's his problem? I was just curious. But I shrugged it of and took care of the dishes. I wonder why he left. He still has his Tartaros mark so he didn't get kicked out. And he couldn't have planned to attack Fairy tail cause then he should have killed me in the forest or just leave me with the bandits. I shrugged the thoughts of and decided to go to the guild. I knocked on the door to Jackal's room

"I'm going to the guild for a while, there's food in the fridge if you are hungry and if someone breaks into my apartment do NOT let them find out. Understand?"

"Sure blondie"

"You are blond to!" I grabbed my keys and whip and left. And only one thing was going through my mind. What's gonna happen if the guild finds out.

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