Chapter 2

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Jackal's POV

The bandits were an easy match. I wonder why the blondie had such a hard time with them. Maybe she was just weak. Maybe... I turned around, and I could clearly see the fear in her eyes, and tell she was terrified. How could she not, she was tied to a tree with her hands above her head, she only wore a mini shirt and a short skirt. And a man that have tried to kill her and her friend was standing in front of her. I confidently took a few step closer so we were only inches apart, at that moment she started to tremble. I know, I'll make her trust me and then... BOOOM. I'ts the perfect plan. Cause humans are just useless creatures who doesn't deserve to live. Right? But if I wanted her dead, then why did I save her from those men? Why did I care anyway? She was just a ordinary, boring, weak, pathetic, sexy, beautifu-WHAIT WHAT! He quickly got rid of the thoughts and looked right into her eyes.

"So what are you doing out here all by yourself without protection from that pink haired freak, blondie?"

Lucy's POV

I saw him take a few steps closer so we were only inches apart. Why did I have to meet this dangerous, irritating, cocky, cute, sexy, hu...WHAT! How could I even think about that. He looked me right in the eyes and I could feel my body stiffen.

"So what are you doing out here all by yourself without protection from that pink haired freak, blondie?" He asked. And somehow I didn't feel scared anymore, instead I felt irritated when I heard that cocky nickname he had given me.

"I was out on a solo-mission cause Natsu is sick and I was searching for the bandits when they attacked me" I told him using all my strength to keep my voice straight. "What about you?"

Should I tell her? He thought. "I was just out for a walk in the woods when I came across those men" He lied, but I could tell he wasn't telling the truth.

"Ok, but could you please untie me before my arms falls asleep?" I tried to sound innocent so he maybe would let me go, but, a grin was formed on his face and I could tell he was planning something bad.

"No" He simply answered.

"Why?" I whined.

"Cause I want something in return"

This can't be good "What do you want?" My voice sounded slightly annoyed.

Now what do I want? I still need a place to stay so maybe... THAT'S IT! He thought. "I need somewhere to stay, so if you let me stay in you're home I will untie you and let you live. How does that sound?" I was confused, why didn't he just stay with someone else, like one of the other demongates... Something telled me that I didn't want to know. But should I really let a DEMON live with me. Well if I said no he would probably just leave me here or kill me. And something was of, he didn't seem like the same guy I had encountered a few days ago. He seemed NICE! Was he the same guy who said that humans just were toys, and that they didn't deserve to live? But he didn't seem like a threat, and I owe him for saving me.

"Deal, if you also come with me on some missions when I need money to pay rent" His grin was still on his face. Bingo

"Deal" What have I gotten myself into? Was all I could think of when he started untie my ropes.

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