Chapter 11

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Lucy's POV


"I am currently banished from Tartaros" What, why would they do that? So that's why he wanted to stay over at my house. Because he didn't have anywhere to stay.

"So that's why you wanted to stay with me. I was wondering why you didn't just stay at Tartaros" Now it make sense.

"Why?" Erza raised an eyebrow. I knew she was coldhearted but not this much.

"Because I lost to the pink-haired boy" So they banished him just because he lost to Natsu? What a terrible guild. I though to myself.

Erza's POV


I could easy see that Lucy was in shock. If she didn't know what reason he had for staying with her, then why did she agree with it?

"And why didn't you tell Lucy?"

"I don't know. I guess I just didn't want her to pity me" He actually looked... ashamed.What an idiot. But I guess he is right, it would seem strange if the enemy pitied you. I got so many questions.

"Do you hate Lucy for defeating you in the past?" He was taken back by the question.

"Well, no, not really. I mean, it was mostly the fire-breathers fault" He started to blush. Why was he blushing? Does he have....

"Do you LO~VE her?" Now both of them was blushing furiously.

"NO" They yelled in unison. I snickered at their reaction. God, they were dense. I wonder when they will realize their feelings for each other.

Lucy's POV


I don't like that look on her face. But I have to admit that I am happy that it was Erza who found out and not Mirajane. I feel a shiver down my spine just thinking about how Mirajane would have reacted. She probably would go on a matchmaking rampage or something.

"Listen" I immediately snapped back into reality, only to see Erza in her heavens-wheel armor and pointing at least twenty swords at Jackal.

"You better take good care of Lucy. And if I hear that you have hurt her physically or mentally. I will hunt you down. Got it?"

"Y-yes m-ma'am" You could clearly see that he was frightened. After his answer Erza (surprisingly) just took back her swords, turned around, and walked through the door. But before she left...

"You know, you two would actually make a cute couple" Then left us, both as red as tomatoes.

"Should we just forget that she said that?" I said, still blushing.

"Why? Do you think it's embarrassing?" I swear that he has a smirk on his face. And of course... I turned to face him. Which was a huge mistake, cause the next second I was pressed against the wall with the cat demon trapping me.

"W-what are y-you doing?" Not this again.

"Well, I didn't have time to finish what I was about to say earlier because that blue haired girl came to visit" He leaned in so that our foreheads were touching again. Crap, I hoped that he had forgotten about that. He leaned in, and my eyes widened. 

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