Chapter 7

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Lucy’s POV


”W-what do y-you mean?” Crap, how did she find out. Ithought.

“I’m not as dense as Natsu you know, he maybe believe you but I don’t” She answered, with a serious look on her face. Well she is one of the smartest in the guild, and she is also my best friend.

“Fine, you’re right. I have been hiding something”

“And what exactly?” I was just about to answer when I heard a crash from the kitchen. What the heck is he doing? Well Levy is going to find out either way so… I walked to the kitchen only to see my ‘guest’ sitting beside the broken bowl and eating candy. Of course.

“Lucy what are y-KYAAAA” She screamed and fainted when she saw the Tartaros member.

“Wow, you sure have interesting friends” He was still stuffing candy in his mouth. Why does he love candy so much? But I just ignored him and carried Levy to the couch.

“Well, she wouldn’t have fainted if she wasn’t terrified of demons”


-Time skip 2hours-


After Levy fainted I placed her on the couch, and I also placed two chairs in front of it. And right now Jackal is sitting on one of them while I am cleaning in the kitchen. “I think she is waking up blondie!” I heard Jackal shout from the living room. And I quickly took the other seat.

“What, I must have been dreaming. Cause all I remember is that it was a demon in your ki-KYAAA” She quickly sat up and looked at Jackal with fear in her eyes.

“Calm down. I am not going to eat you. At least not yet” He grinned at the end, and I ‘Lucy Kicked’ him right into the wall.

“Stop scaring her more, you overgrown cat”

“What the heck did you call me”

“Hey, Lucy?” We stopped our arguing to look at Levy who had calmed down a bit.

“Why is he here? Wasn’t he the demon you and Natsu encountered a while ago?” Well, I trust her. And if I don’t tell her she might tell the guild.

“Well…” I telled her the whole story. And in the end she understood, and promised that she wouldn’t tell the guild. But before she left she whispered in my ear: “I think that you two would make a cute couple”. Then she left me there, red as a tomato.

“Are you ok? You’re face is all red”

“Sh-shut up” Why am I blushing? I don’t like him do i? No that can’t be true. I watched as he started to eat candy again. Or is it?

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