Chapter 17

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Lucy's POV

I slowly woke up and but I didn't bother opening my eyes. But something felt strange, I am in a bed? But how? Then I realized the weigh that was on me, I have TWO PEOPLE in my bed. My eyes snapped open revealing no other than Jackal, and when I looked over my shoulder I saw the one and only Natsu. I should've known. I took a deep breath.

"Lucy Kick" and the boys flew right into the wall. It's their fault for sleeping in my bed. I saw the first aid kit and all the medicines. This isn't my house, this is the guilds infirmary.

"Ow, Luce what was that for?"

"Yeah, what was that for" Wait, why aren't those two beating each others throats right now? I think that Jackal knew exactly what I was thinking cause...

"Erza said that if we fought she would beat us up and not let us in here anymore" Sounds true enough.

"Are you feeling better? Does it hurt? Should I get Wendy? Or-"

"Natsu I'm fine, don't worry. Hey Jackal, could you help me up from the bed?"

"Why him! He's evil!? And-"

"Sure" Meanwhile Natsu continued to scream bad stuff about Jackal, he helped me to stand up. He had his arm around my hip to support my weight.

"Hey! Quit ignoring me! And why is he helping you Luce?"

"It's because I have lived with her the last couple of days" He smirked. That idiot.

"What!? Why!?" Jackal was about to answer when I interrupted him.

"He saved me during a mission so I owed him a favor and let him stay with me" After I had said that I had to do my best not to laugh at Natsu's face. His jaw had dropped to the floor and his eyes looked like they would pop out off his skull any minute.

"Wait, why would you help her? Our guilds are rivals" Just then I realized something strange. Jackal's guildmark was gone, did he remove it himself?

"Not anymore" While he continued to help me get out of the infirmary I couldn't stop thinking about what he said. And one word got stuck in my brain. Why?

"LUCY!" I snapped out from my thoughts when the guild shouted at me and lunged towards me. I waited for the impact but it never came, I looked up only to see Erza with a murderous glare.

"If you throw yourselves at Lucy you will only hurt her more"

"It's okay Erza, it doesn't hurt that much" I shouldn't have said the last part because Jackal let me go so I almost fell but I manage to stand up before I fell.

"Lucy!" I didn't even have enough time to think before Levy gave me a bone crushing hug.

"Levy, can't breathe" I heard Jackal laugh so I shot him a glare that made him stop immediately.

"Sorry, I'm just glad that you're okay"

"Lucy my child" It was master.

"Y-yes master" Shit, how should I tell him I have spent the last days with a demon from our rival guild.

"Can I talk to you and your friend please?"

"Sure" I signaled Jackal to follow as we made our way to masters office. When we got inside master sat down in his chair and looked at us suspiciously.

"So, tell me"


"How did you guys meet? And why doesn't he kill anyone? And how did you manage to have him and Natsu in the same room" Where should I start?

"Well, we met on one of my solo-missions, I have no idea why he doesn't kill anyone and Erza threatened to beat him and Natsu up if they fought"

"Ok, but if you just met during a mission then why is he following you like a lost puppy"

"Hey, I am not a lost puppy!"

"*sight* Well..." I telled him the hole story, except that part of him sleeping with me and kissing me.

"Ok, but I still don't understand why you *points at Jackal* chose to trust Lucy and not kill her? I'm sure if you killed her your guild would let you return" He's right. Technically we are rivals and he chose not to kill me. Why didn't he kill me?

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