Chapter 15

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Lucy's POV

I woke up early in the morning, and something didn't feel right. Something or someone was holding me tight. Natsu? Wait, it couldn't be him. Then I remembered everything from last nigh and my eyes immediately shot open. Only to be greeted by a half naked smirking demon.

"Morning" He said, still smirking. I blushed and tried to get out off his death grip, but it was no use.

"Let me go" I demanded.

"No, not yet" Then I got an great idea, but I was not sure if it was going to work. I got closer to him and rubbed myself against his private area which made him groan in pleasure and his grip loosened. I took that opportunity to 'Lucy Kick' him into the wall.

"Ow, what was that for?" He groaned, and he was obviously in pain.

"For not letting me go, I'm going to take a shower. And when I am done we're leaving. Oh, and I have a cloak in my closed that you are going to wear. Understood?"

"Yeah, yeah blondie" Why does he keep calling me that? He's blond to! But I didn't complain, truth to be told I didn't care anymore because I will get my revenge soon. So I walked into the bathroom, stripped and let the warm water wash over my body. It will be great to go on a mission without getting in danger Because of Natsu and seriously hurt. I quickly took a shower and dressed myself. When I was done with all my morning routines we were ready to go.

"Why do I have to wear a cloak?" He groaned.

"Well, because if a rumor starts about seeing me with a demon. Or even a boy. Then Mira goes crazy and hires private detectives who follows every step I take, believe me it's not funny"

"You sure has weird friends" No shit sherlock?

"I can't disagree to that. But to be honest all the people in fairy tail is quite weird"

"Just like you" Why does he keep pick on me?

"I'm not! If someone's weird it's you kitty cat!"

"I am not a kitty cat" I could be so tough right now.

"Well you do have cat ears and a tail" I giggled.

"Why you little-"

"The train to Clowerwille leaves in two minutes"

"Oh, shit. We have to go!" I quickly grabbed Jackal's hand and dragged him onto the train. We made it in the last second.

"That was close, by the way what were you going to say earlier?"

"Nothing" He replied. The train started to move and we were on our way. I wonder what will happen on this mission?

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