Chapter 10

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Lucy's POV

"He's one of the nine demongates of Tartaros" I told her. She stayed calm but if you looked closely into her eyes you could see anger, confusion and... something that almost looked like Mirajane's eyes when she tries to match make people. Oh, no. Please, god no!

"So, tell me about him?"

"Well. He is kinda nice, cute, but acts almost like a big kitten" Wait! Did I just call him cute!? A creepy smile was spread over the red-heads face.

"You like him?"

"WHA-? Where did that come from!?"

"Don't know, so can I meet him? Or are  you going to hide him in the guest room forever" How did she know he was here? And if she knew he was here, then why did she ask me about him?

"I heard you talk to him in the kitchen when we came. But don't worry, Natsu and Gray were to busy fighting to notice" Thank god.

"Sure. JACKAL, GET YOUR FAT ASS IN HERE NOW!" And I think that Erza were confused over my sudden mood change.

"SHUT UP BLONDIE. I AM TRYING TO SLEEP!" He is practically begging for it.

"Maybe I wasn't clear enough. GET YOUR FUCKING ASS IN HERE YOU FUCKING CAT!" There was a short silence, then he smashed the door open.



Erza's POV


I was still in shock, who would have though that Lucy actually WAS living with a demon. And to make things worse, he still has his Tartaros mark, which means he is still a member. I wonder why he hasn't done anything to Lucy yet. Could he have changed?

"So, you're from Tartaros?" He immediately froze.

Jackal's POV


Oh, crap! The TITANIA!? I just stood there, frozen. Waiting for her to attack me. But she never did. She just sat there on the couch and watched my actions.

"Y-yeah" She slowly stood up and I could se that the blonde also was nervous. Am I going to die?

"So, you met each other on Lucy's last mission, correct?"

"Yeah" Why is she asking this, haven't blondie told her already?

"So what are you planning?"

"Wait, what?" Ok, now I was confused.

"Well, you are a member of a dark guild. So what do you want with Lucy?" She shot me a glare, damn she's scary.


"Then why are you here?" Should I tell her the truth? Well, she will surely kill me if I don't. I decided to do it and I swallowed my pride.

"I am currently banished from Tartaros"


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