Chapter 6

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Levy’s POV


I wonder why Lucy was so nervous when Natsu said she smelled weird, and I asked Gajeel about it and he also thought that her scent was different. What could she possibly be hiding if she even hides it from NATSU. Her best friend. But I wasn’t as dense as Natsu, I knew she was hiding something, and I am going to find out. I stopped walking when I reached my destination, Lucy’s apartment.

“Now or never” I told myself when I knocked on her door. I really wonder what she is hiding.


Jackal’s POV


“Give me the candy” I wined. I almost sounded like a little kid, but what else should I do. I was just eating some candy I found in her kitchen, and then she took it from me when she came home.

“No, you have already had enough” While she put the candy-bowl in the pantry, she sounded so… determined. Almost like a mother. What should I do now, I was so bored. Then a sudden idea came into my head. I walked up to her and pinned her to the wall with a grin on my face.

“Then if you don’t give me the candy, you have to give me something else to quench my hunger”.

Lucy’s POV


Jackal took a few steps closer to me, and pinned me to the wall. And to make things worse, he had that grin on his face. Oh no, what is he thinking?

“Then if you don’t give me the candy, you have to give me something else to quench my hunger” What is he planning. At that moment he leaned closer so our foreheads were touching. Is he planning to kiss me?

“Do you know what I want?” All I could do was to shake my head. But just when he opened his mouth to say something when I heard a knock on the door that made us both freeze right at the spot. Shit. At first we both stood there, then Jackal quickly ran to the kitchen and I ran to the door. What if it’s Natsu? I though as I opened the door and was relived when I saw Levy. Thank god.

 “Hi, Levy”

“Hi, can I come in?”

 “Sure” When she walked through the door she looked around in the room and then took a seat at the couch. Locking at me with observing eyes. Even I couldn’t figure out what she was thinking.

“I know you are hiding something”

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