A Dance With The Devil

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Now that I have finished A Ticking Bomb I don't really know what to do next. So until I decide to write another story I thought I'd give you all something extra. So here's a poem that I wrote some time ago, it's about Jackal's battle against Natsu. Enjoy! And thank you all for reading my story! Love you all <3

This job was supposed to be easy,

I only had to kill a worthless human.

It would have been easy if not these fairies had interfered.

But still...

How can a simple human make me shiver?

But wait...

Is he even human?

He can't be.

No puny human could ever be superior to us demons!

And yet...

I lost to this one.

I even had to turn myself into a bomb in hope to take them with me to hell.

But even my last resort didn't work.

Because I never imagined that the blue cat would interfere.

This job was a complete failure.

But next time,

They'll regret that they took us for granted.

Because we'll teach them that to pick a fight with demons is like dance with the devil.

A ticking bombWhere stories live. Discover now