Chapter 14

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Lucy's POV

I had finally reached the guild. Just act normal, I though as I opened the huge doors.

"Hey, Lucy!" Crap.

"Um, hi Erza" I walked towards the bar with Erza who and ordered a strawberry cheesecake while I ordered a strawberry smoothie.

"So, anything happened? Has he done something? Should I kill him?" I sweatdropped.

"No, it's fine. He hasn't done anything" She nodded. How can she be so calm, I am surprised that she hasn't killed him yet. Suddenly I felt an enormous dark aura behind me. And as I turned around I came face to face with the demon herself.

"Lucy, I know what you are hiding" Mira. How did she know. What should I say? I know! I'll just play innocent.

"What is it Mira?" Suddenly she burst into tears and hugged me tight.

"Why didn't you tell me that you have a boyfriend!?"

"What, I don't have a boyfriend" She stopped hugging me, and stared right into my eyes with an evil/creepy smile on her face.

"So... who's the lucky guy?" Is she even listening?

"No one"

"Stop hiding him, who is it? Who's your boyfriend ?"

"Who's got a boyfriend?" Cana asked. And so they kept going until I couldn't take it anymore.

"I don't have a boyfriend!" Which I think I said a little too loud cause now everyone in the guild was staring at me. But when they saw Mira and Cana talking to me with a crazy look on they're faces they ignored it. But only because they didn't want to get involved when the 'matchmaking demons' had gone crazy.

"Like I said, I don't have a boyfriend. I'm just going to take a mission" I said when I had finally calmed down. So I walked over to the mission board and took a request. And I was on my way back to the bar when...

"Hey Luce, want to go on a job?" HE asked with his famous grin on his face.

"Sorry Natsu, I'm going on a solo mission because I have to pay rent and I don't want you to destroy everything"

"But it'll be to dangerous to go on your own" He had a point, if I cleared a hard mission 'on my own' people would get suspicious. What do I do?

"I think Lucy will be fine on this mission. She is strong enough to take care of herself. Right Natsu?" I turned around. The Titania to the rescue. I though.

"Of course ma'am" Then Gajeel entered and Natsu went over to pick a fight with him. I sighted in relief and looked at Erza.

"Thank you Erza"

"It's okay, but remember to be careful" I nodded and walked to the bar and talked to Levy.

-Time skip-

I was on my was home when I decided to look at the misson.

Five bandits are terrorizing our town

please help us.

The bandits are strong but doesn't use magic.

Reward: 120 000 jewel

Sounds easy enough. I finally reached my apartment, I unlocked the door and walked in only to see Jackal asleep in MY bed. I was just about to scream at him when I saw his sleeping face. He looks so peaceful and defenseless. So I let him be. I changed into my nightgown, and laid down beside him. And then, I slowly drifted into dreamland.

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