Chapter 12

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Kyouka's POV


"Kyouka! I have bad news!" I turned around and saw Lamy running towards me.

"What is it Lamy?" She looked panicked, I wonder what happened.

"Jackal is still gone, and I have searched for him everywhere"

"I told you that he is banished from Tartaros for two months" Seriously, why is she so obsessed with him.

"No, it's not just that! I have heard from Franmalth that someone have seen him with that blonde girl from Fairy tail!" She said crying rivers.

"WHAT!?" What could he possibly be thinking? I smirked. Well Jackal, it seems this just got interesting.

"Lamy, contact one of the top darkest guilds"


"We are going to teach those fairies that you should never trust Tartaros" Now both of us had smirks on our faces.

"And that you should leave Jackal alone, (eyes glows viciously, anime style) he is mine" I sweat dropped, Damn she is scary sometimes. Be prepared Jackal, that blonde is as good as dead.


Lucy's POV


My eyes widened. Jackal was, was... KISSING ME!!! What should I do!? Should I kiss him back, well it feels kinda go-WHAT AM I THINKING!? I tried to push him away, but he was too strong. So I gave in and kissed him back and I could have sworn that he smirked. He placed one of his legs between mine that made me moan and he took that opportunity to slide his tongue inside my mouth. We fighted for dominance, and he of course, won. And after a while we separated for air. He just stared into my eyes, I felt hypnotized.

"Well, we should go to bed. Like you said, it's late" He said in a husky voice. Just then I could hear the thunder outside and I froze and let out a 'EEEP'. At that he started laughing.

"Are you afraid of the thunder" I nodded.

"W-what ab-about i-it?" I asked, my voice cracking.

"You want me to sleep with you?" I was about to scream no when another rumble was heard.

"Um, if you don't mind" His smirk became wider.

"Course not" He picked me up bridal-style and carried me to bed. And laid down beside me.

"Night" I told him as I made myself comfortable.

Jackal's POV


"Night" She told me and made herself comfortable. I did too and wrapped my arm around her.

"God night" I replied before she fell asleep. I took a glance at her adorable face, what are you doing to me woman. Then I realized what I had done earlier and blushed. But I shrugged it off cause she enjoyed it and kissed her forehead. It looks like I have fallen for you, HARD. Then I drifted off to sleep.

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